What are the pros and cons of declawing a cat?
by Michael
Pros – short for professionals or prostitutes.
Cons – short for convicts or confidence tricks.
Vets who declaw cats are pros. They prostitute their skills and abilities to earn money and our disrespect.
Vets are professionals – professional butchers if they declaw a cat.
Picture above: Dr Churan if she worked in England.
Vets would be convicts and banged up in jail in over 30 other countries if they consistently declawed cats in those countries as they do in the USA.
Confidence Trick
Vets who declaw cats perform a confidence trick on people who bring their cat to the clinic by convincing them it is the best and only thing to do and the cat will only feel a “little bit of discomfort…it’s a win-win situation, madam…Trust me I’m your doctor..”