What breed is my cat?

What breed is my cat?



In late November 2009, I adopted this adorable male kitten. We named him Charlie.

I've been wanting to know what breed he is.
I think he's an Egyptian Mau mix but I'm not sure.

He's really hyper, he runs super fast, and he's really strong.

He has spots on his back, and broken lines on his legs. He has a belly flap, too.


Hi Cassie..(is that the right name?).. thanks for visiting and asking.

You may have seen other pages on the subject of what breed is my cat. I nearly always come up with the same answer which can be summarised on this page, written on the subject, generally: What Breed is my cat

The article referred to would conclude that your cat is a random bred cat or moggie. He is a red tabby and white cat and he looks very distinguished and alert. I like his looks.

I think, though, that you may be right about Charlie being part Egytian Mau. This would be quite possible as the Egyptian Mau is a domesticated African wildcat at heart and one of the earliest domestic cats. I am sure the genes present in the Egyptian Mau have spread far and wide.

Other than guessing what genes might be present it is impossible to say, I am afraid, as even purebred cats that look like purebred cats are not purebred unless there is a documented pedigree of purebred parents.

It doesn't matter as I am sure you realise. Charlie is handsome and he is athletic. You can't do better than that and even the ugliest and slowest are equal in the eyes of all true cat lovers.


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What breed is my cat?

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Feb 12, 2011 Just a possibility
by: Maggy S.

Though I'm sure it is a random breed of cat, there's a possibility it's also part ocecat. Though the skin flap points to Egyptian mau, the patter is also similar to ocecat, which is a domestic breed with spots on the back and stripes on the legs. This means it could be part abyssinian and American shorthair, too.
However, since he does have the flap of skin, he is likes part Egyptian mau. Just pointing out another possibility 🙂

Jun 30, 2010 Spotted fur
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Phil. Spotted cats look special, so when people wonder what they are, they of course first of all check breeds like Mau and Bengal.
We often forget that the spots usually is a broken up mackerell tabby pattern and can occurr anywhere. Actually my favourite childhood cat Alice was partly spotted, and her ancestors were all Danish tabby moggies with no foreign blood for sure. 😉

And Cassie. Whatever Charlie's roots may be, he is a great looking cat with a funny face. Besides being athleticly built, he also looks curious and bright. I'm sure he'll grow up to be a real fine cat.

Jun 29, 2010 A 'Nearly Mau'
by: Phil (London)

As Michael says, he isn't an Egyptian Mau as only purebred Maus can rightfully carry the name.

That said, he might be an 'egyptian mau' (without the capital letters), or a 'nearly Mau'! There is a set-up based in Cairo called the Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization (EMRO) which is "dedicated to rescuing these descendents of the sacred cat of Ancient Egypt", the feral Mau cats of Cairo. If you look at the adoption page on their website, you will see spotted Maus that certainly fall outside the breed standard for purebreds:


It's interesting that there seem to be more 'Is my cat an Egyptian Mau?' questions on the site than for any other breed; I think that might have a lot to do with the fact that Maus are, essentially, rather glamorous tabby cats, and tabby cats are very numerous and similarities are bound to occur.

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