What Crime-Appropriate Sentence Would Suit Kristen Lindsey’s Crime if Convicted?

Let’s say she was convicted. You’re the judge. What sentence would you hand down?


If, God willing, the Animal Legal Defense Fund receive the court documents in this matter from the prosecutor and if they are able to conclude that there is a case to answer and she is duly charged, convicted and sentenced, what crime-appropriate sentence would suit her crime?

I am temped to ask because back in 2005 Judge Michael A Cicconetti (an Ohio judge), made a very nice crime-appropriate sentence which was well suited the crime of domestic animal abandonment.

The convicted defendant was 25-year-old Michelle M Murray. She had abandoned 35 kittens in two parks in Mentor, Ohio.

Park rangers knew that she was responsible because she had left identification collars on the kittens (weird).

The judge gave the convict two options for a sentence:

  1. Spend 90 days in jail or
  2. Spend 14 days in jail and spend 15 days under house arrest and donate $3,200 to the Humane Society and donate $500 to the park rangers and (here is the fun bit): spend one night alone in the woods!

The judge said to the convicted defendant:

“How would you like to be dumped off at a metro park late at night, spend the night listening to the coyotes … , listening to the raccoons around you in the dark night, and sit out there in the cold not knowing where you’re going to get your next meal, not knowing when you are going to be rescued?”

Perfect, I’d say. This particular judge is well-known for “crime appropriate sentences” and he has an imagination!

Do you have imagination with respect to Kristen Lindsey?

19 thoughts on “What Crime-Appropriate Sentence Would Suit Kristen Lindsey’s Crime if Convicted?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Exactly, Michele.
    It’s a known fact that such sociopaths, without conscience, don’t benefit from any therapy/rehab.

  3. I’m definitely the wrong one to ask about this. What I would like to see would be illegal: her own leg caught in a trap and an arrow in the head. Barring that, having her set out in the woods for a night with her leg caught in a snare and people using her as target practice with paint balls. She can have protective head gear, but nothing like that below the neck. I bet that would still sting a lot. Here again, totally illegal. No judge in his/her right mind would order that.

    Aside from losing the license, jail time and fines, the only other thing I can think of is intensive therapy, and I’m not sure that would work. She’s a vet who enjoys killing or trying to kill animals. My guess is she went into that line of work so she could have access to a steady stream of unwitting victims. Michael, I have to disagree with the idea that she should be put to work helping animals. If her attitude didn’t turn around while she did paid vet work, I seriously doubt that volunteer work is going to help her change her ways or her attitude.

    Lindsey is in a culture that encourages hurting animals: her parents, her friends and ex-co-workers. There’s something wrong with the whole lot of them, and I believe putting her in therapy wouldn’t do much good. Like Sandra says, Lindsey has to want to change, and with all the encouragement from her people and her groupies I just don’t see that happening. She’s damaged goods, a lost cause, and so are they.

  4. I like the sign suggestion, and I don’t want to see her in any shelter situation, as Michelle mentioned. No one would put a pedophile in a children’s home to rehabilitate them. A mindset and attitude can’t be forced to change with legislation; it can only happen if it’s desired.

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