After you have cleaned up the cat litter tray what do you do with the stuff that you’ve collected from the tray?
Do you put it into a plastic bag and then put that plastic bag into another plastic bag and that plastic bag into a cupboard until you need to use first plastic bag again whereupon you start the whole process all over again.
If you do the above, there is a possibility that there will be a smell inside the cupboard. And that smell will leach out of the cupboard into the room. This is despite the fact that the waste cat litter is inside two or three bags that are folded and temporarily sealed.
Do you put what you collect from the cat litter into a plastic bag and then immediately put the plastic bag into a bin outside your home?
Do you put what you collect from the cat litter into a special container which is completely sealed and from which no smell can escape?
Cleaning up the cat litter after your cat has had a poo and a pee presents some problems with respect to keeping the smell inside the container in which you put the poo/pee mix.
Everybody will have their own method of dealing with this. There must be a million different ways of dealing with it.
The most time consuming way of dealing with the used cat litter that you have collected is to place in to some sort of sealed container, perhaps a plastic bag, and then placing that container into a refuse bin that is outside of your home. This is the only way of ensuring that the smell from the used cat litter does not circulate around your home or at least a part of your home.
There may be restrictions on what you can do it but in the UK you can put used cat litter in the regular refuse (waste) bin that is outside your home, which is collected by the local authority employees. What is the best method? I’d be interested to know.
Photo (modified) by mynikfoto
not sure really i do prefer the nature one but i guess cant always do that