What human food does your cat like?

What human food does your cat like?

by Michael

Where's my spaghetti...Photo by gemsling (Flickr)

Where's my spaghetti...Photo by gemsling (Flickr)

Dorothy showed me a video of a charming tabby cat sucking up strips of pasta - spaghetti - just like a person. I think he is Italian! It is a definite LOL vid. This is a link to the video that opens a new window.

It got me thinking. What kind of food does your cat eat that you find unexpected?

Domestic cats do have very individual tastes and it extends to some bizarre food choices. You wouldn't expect a cat to eat that much pasta. Isn't pasta made of wheat, water and eggs? It must be the eggs that get this cat's taste buds going.

My cat used to eat cereal sometimes. That must have been the milk. I guess you will find some hidden ingredient that conforms to a cat's dietary requirements as an obligate carnivore.

Charlie, my three-legged cat loves cooked chicken, ham and any processed meats. He doesn't like raw chicken but my old lady cat does like raw chicken. She has taken a fancy to it. It is amazing how flexible a domestic cat is on diet: raw chicken and cooked chicken. We can't do that.

A vet who promotes natural cures recommends vegetables for cats. Do cats eat vegetables? Mine don't. Grass, yes, vegetables no.

Neither do my cats like fruit. That said cats do eat a certain amount of vegetable matter in the wild because the contents of the stomachs of rodents contains vegetable matter.

Dairy products such as milk are favorites. This must be due to the fat content. Cats eat fat for energy.

What does your like to eat that looks a bit strange? And how often do you give in to your cat's demands for non-standard foods?

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What human food does your cat like?

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Nov 11, 2011
special tastes NEW
by: Gwen

My cats all have different tastas just as humans do.
Liking fish,meat and diary-products,even cereal or home-baked cakes isn't so strange...my Honi used to like belgian cooked endive and Yoshi,one of my tomcats loves melon above anything!!!he is very difficult about other foods,even fresh meet and fish!he will also try other fruit,but not much.
Yamuna,one of my girls likes fruitjuce,even lemon!

Nov 11, 2011
by: Maggie

Chilli really likes Vegemite on toast. And he'll eat some of my salads, right off my plate, too. He's not allowed animal products, other than what comes in a pet food can, because I don't eat them. So occasionally he gets a bit of soy milk, or soy icecream as a treat, it's better for him than actual dairy, which can kill a cat. He also *rarely* gets hot chips, and my gosh, does he love them!

Nov 09, 2011
Little treats
by: Ruth

Our boyz both like grated cheese of which they sometimes get a little treat. Walter also likes crisps and Jozef likes to share my strawberry yoghurt or a bit of butter off my toast. I love the feel of cats raspy tongues and the way they sniff everything first before trying it.
Because we are veggie in our house we eat Quorn meat or chicken alike, maybe we can't tell the difference but our cats can lol they look at it with disdain.
They say they need their proper meat and they get it !
They always have a treat on shopping days too of a little pack of chicken, beef or turkey between them.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Nov 09, 2011
Our boys
by: Barbara

Walter and Jozef like: Cheese, crisps, squirty cream, butter, people's tuna, wafer thin turkey, beef, chicken or ham slices (we hate buying it as we're veggie but the boys want it) and Jozef likes strawberry yogurt. Our lovely Bryan who is no longer with us loved madeira cake.

Nov 09, 2011
Not a bite
by: Dorothy

Sad but true, my Bigfoot is a dry food junkie, and doesn't eat much at that. He's an older cat, and came to me a few years ago already set in his ways. I am a person who loves to feed. I cook daily and pride myself on feeding anyone and any creature just what they want. Bigfoot has tamed that in me. He refuses anything that doesn't come out of a bag. What is a 'need to feed' kind of gal supposed to do? Just keep the best quality food around I can find. Thanks to POC I stay knowledgeable about what the best brands are.

Then there is Yellow Cat, my lovely blond feral. She'll eat most anything you put out. I keep her well fed, especially now that the nights are freezing. Her lover-boy Shadow, my time share sissy cat is a regular hoover and eats everything in site. Yellow's apparent litter mate, a huge orange Tom who is very friendly for a feral (he's been well tended to) is my weekend ward. I walk to the school with a big bowl of yummies including cooked chicken or salmon or other food that we have around and he never complains. He's a dear and a cuddler which makes up for the still spooky Yellow, though she's curled up on her heated pad on the patio as I write. Right outside the window.

Life is good.


Nov 09, 2011
What human food does your cat like.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

At present i am on a "Solo-Backpackers tour" of North India and Nepal with my pet cats at home in Mumbai.As a bachelor i always remember my cats whenever i am away from home, a bond on par with human affection which might sound wierd to non-pet owners. My cats eat any non-vegetarian food that we eat at home and my tom cat matata is worse than a normal street cat scavenger, a total glutton at times even trying to search the dustbin for food.Both cats love fish products although their normal diet is minced meat/rice.

Nov 09, 2011
Cheese, chicken and a bit of an orange
by: Ruth (Monty's Mom)

Monty prefers white meat and I prefer dark meat, so if there is left over chicken he helps consume the white meat. He also likes cheese, but not all kinds. I buy these individually packaged hunks of cheese to take in my lunch at work-- string cheese was what we called it when we were kids, and it will kind of come apart in long strips. Monty likes mozzarella string cheese, but once I bought some fancy stuff with provolone mixed in, and he hated it. He likes the brand Crystal Farms, which I did not care for very much. He thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread-- or since whatever else a cat would think is great!

Once I was eating an orange and he wouldn't leave me alone. I gave him some to show him cats don't eat that, but he ate it. I gave him more and he ate it again. I didn't give him much because he is prone to runny poops as it is. I gave him a bean once when he was bugging me for my food. He ate one, but not another one and seemed to regard it as a dirty trick. I was eating a chicken breast with Gouda cheese melted on it at the time. He really liked that and purred loudly the whole time I was sharing with him, except when I tried to give him the second green bean.

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