What information do you put on your cat’s ID tag?

What do you consider to be the most important information on your cat’s ID tag? How is the information laid out? What do you leave off? Some cats do not accept a tag on a collar and therefore you can put the tag on a harness. Sandy (a regular visitor to this site) writes the information on her cat’s halter in black indelible ink.

My cat doesn’t like wearing a collar so I place his ID tag on his harness together with a radio transmitter (I have the receiver). It’s called belt and braces! The weakness in the system is human error!

After three months in my new home my cat went back to my previous address

Unfortunately, when he got lost he was not wearing any form of identification but he is micro-chipped. He wasn’t wearing it because he hates wearing a collar and at that time I simply took it off and did not replace it with a harness. This was negligent of me and it made it harder to find my cat. I now have a customized backyard cat enclosure which precludes the need for an ID tag because it is 100% secure (?).

The picture on this page shows how my cat’s ID tag information is laid out. I got the idea from Amazon. It is a form of shorthand as you can see. I think it is useful to state that your cat is microchipped as it ensures that it is scanned and that the cat is identifiable through another form of ID.

The address is in a very short form but completely usable because the postcode identifies the location of your house very accurately so all you need is the house number to pinpoint it. The phone number is for a mobile phone (cell phone) so you can pick up calls anywhere and act quickly to recover your cat.

8 thoughts on “What information do you put on your cat’s ID tag?”

  1. Because there are so many cases of chips not being scanned here I have the cats name, my phone number, my email and I am chipped, I am loved.
    The choice of what you put on your cats tag or collar or harness may be relevant to where you live.

  2. Unfortunately Sandra where I live (Upstate NY) everything is expensive so much so that when one of my moggies gets sick/hurt I have to create a fundraiser which is taxing on me because I hate asking for help especially when school is on summer break of which I work for so no school then no work and medications are crazy expensive,our shelter does spay/neuter/microchip all the cats/kittens but all mine were rescues and not adopted from the shelter so tis out of pocket for me when I rescue and now I have a feral female who had kittens under my porch,I have tried to trap her for the last 2 yrs but she unfortunately is trap savvy but once I get the kittens to the SPCA they too will be fixed and microchipped.

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