What Is An Alley Cat?

The classic image of an alley cat that most people have is of a dirty stray cat or a feral cat living in the urban jungle, surviving and surviving quite well. There is a cartoon character called Top Cat who fits the image. There is a cat charity called Alley Cat Allies which focuses on the welfare of all cats primarily street cats because they are the most vulnerable and the most in need.

So an alley cat can be a stray domestic cat or perhaps a community cat in one of the Eastern countries or in the Middle East. Or he or she might be a feral or semi-feral cat. In every instance the alley cat is a cat without the protection of a human home.

However, in America in the early part of the 20th century it was commonplace to refer to a non-pedigree household cat as an “alley cat”. Good examples of these cats were developed as show cats and given the more dignified name of “Domestic Shorthair Cats” (DSH for short). These were random bred cats as opposed to purebreds.

Moggie (alley cat) on his back
Beautiful moggie – Photo copyright Helmi Flick

Today it is quite normal to show non-pedigree, non-purebred domestic shorthair cats at cat shows as they have their own category. They can be beautiful cats, just as beautiful as any purebred. There’s a nice 1949 quote by a lady whose name is Marguerite Norton in which she said:

“Some people call the Domestic Shorthair cats “alley cats” and try to give the impression that they are not a distinct breed. To the contrary, these cats…have a definite place in the home, in cat shows, and many can be registered like the Persians and the Siamese.”

Not everyone in the cat fancy agreed. Some preferred to remind others of this cat’s humble origins. One of these was a lady whose name is Milan Greer. She wrote in 1961:

“Many cat-fancier associations now recognize a breed of cat known as the Domestic Shorthair. This is merely an alley cat dressed up in show terms. I do not believe that the alley cat should be a show competitor.”

Today I would be surprised if this sentiment still exists. The random bred cat, a.k.a. alley cat, has a place in cat shows and in our hearts.

P.S. Alley cats are nearly always moggies (random bred) but there will be some purebred street cats and in some countries such as Turkey the Angoras and Vans on the street and in the community are not purebred technically but are more genuine that cat fancy versions.

My thanks to Dr Desmond Morris for the quotes in his book: Cat World.

5 thoughts on “What Is An Alley Cat?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yes i have a few followers in America and Europe who ask for genuine Turks. 2 more Angoras and 1 Van kitten will be going to America at the end of the year. Possibly another Van kitten will be going to Germany. Trilly is one of the Angoras set to travel.

  3. Very nicely put. Thanks Harvey. Iskender is gorgeous. Wow. Do Americans contact you ask for a genuine Angora or Van which you arrange to rehome?

  4. Here is Iskender one of the random-bred Turkish cats you mentioned. He is now living the life of Riley in Texas. That’s quite a change from where I found him, in a dirty alley at the side of a big block of flats. From the first moment he was trusting and calm. I just picked him up took him home happily purring on my lap without the need for a carrier or any other kind of restraint. The term alley cat or random-bred is very misleading in that there is the assumption that they are mixed, but fail to state mixed with what. Actually they don’t have much choice but to breed with genetically identical cats which have been breeding together over hundreds or thousands of years. It is the pedigree cats that are mixed as DNA analysis has proved. Pedigree cats of the cat fancy are a complex mix of many breeds, such as the pedigree Turkish Angora which outside of Turkey carry the DNA markers of disparate cats such as the American (Western) short-hair and Oriental cats. They only maintain the M4/M4 (Turkey and the Middle East) semi-longhair gene through selecting the longer haired offspring from mixed litters. The much derided Western Moggies are obviously much purer than most pedigree breeds for the reason I have explained. The claim of purity and pure-bred is a cat fancy deception aimed at justifying high prices and exceptionalism.

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