What is bad about declawing your cat?
by Michael
What is bad about declawing your cat?
1. Cat feels pain – lots of pain.
2. You feel bad giving your cat lots of pain.
3. Vet plays a mind game pretending to himself he is doing the right thing.
4. Vet ignores his oath thereby damaging his integrity and standing in the community.
5. Cat feels more pain and can’t use the litter because it hurts and hurts and hurts.
6. Cat feels vulnerable and compensates by biting rather than scratching.
7. You get fed up with your cat who won’t use the litter.
8. Cat gets fed up with you as you try and get your cat to use the litter.
9. Cat goes to toilet on carpet.
10. You are fed up because you have to have the carpet cleaned professionally.
11. Cat starts to fight with other cat because she feels vulnerable.
12. You are fed up because there is war in the house.
13. Your cat feels more pain. She starts to limp.
14. You are fed up because you have to go back to the vet to find out why your cat limps. More money.
15. Ouch…you got bit today and that is the first time my cat did that.
16. You are fed up because your cat has changed. She used to love me.
17. You are annoyed because your vet didn’t warn you about the potential problems.
18. You are fed up putting newspaper in the litter tray which is a mess to clean up.
19. Six months later your cat is not the cat you knew and loved (loved?!).
20. You take your cat to the nearest shelter. This makes you feel bad but you suppress that and forget about it as soon as you can.
21. Your cat is black and can’t find a new home.
22. Your cat is euthanised…..
That is what is bad about declawing a cat. And I almost forgot..it’s illegal in many other countries, it is immoral, it is unnecessary and it cannot be justified by any right minded, decent person….