What is happening to Aleppo’s animals?

Civilians are being evacuated from Aleppo as the rebels have been routed by Assad’s forces with the aid of Russia. What now? Buses are ferrying civilians out of this destroyed city. It’s all over the news. But what about the cats and dogs? What about that great guy who runs a cat shelter in Aleppo?

He kept going all these years that the city was bombed to ruins. We know he and most of his cats survived. How is he going to get out with his cats? It would seem almost impossible to get these cats out. No one but him is going to care sufficiently to make the effort to get them out.

Cat in Aleppo
Street cat in Aleppo before the city was destroyed

I’d like to see the news cover cat and dogs stories in these worn torn areas to hopefully reassure us that these domestic and semi-domestic animals are being tended to and that at least some are okay.

I don’t have anything more to say on this. I think news media tend to overlook pets when covering war zones. These are important sentient beings and often members of the family. Please elevate them to newsworthy subjects.

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