I believe that all of us, both animal lovers and sport hunters have within us the ability to kill. We have the ability to kill humans and animals. It is a deeply embedded part of our psyche which comes from our ancient roots as hunter gatherers hundreds of thousands of years ago.
At heart, we are still Neanderthal Man. That part of us is deep inside us. Although it is normally dormant and almost impossible to revive, in some people due to certain circumstances it is revived. These people become sport hunters and trophy collectors. For them it is the most natural thing in the world to hunt animals and kill animals. It feels right. To others on the other side of a massive divide it seems mad and bad; you have to mental to be a sport hunter, they believe.
The truth is you don’t have to be mental, mad and bad to be a sport hunter, you just have to reawaken your ancient roots and drives. This is achieved if you live in a place where there are lots of guns that need to be used. Guns facilitate the killing of any creature. They oil the works and make it possible. They awaken the possibility of killing.
Add to that element the idea that humans are superior to animals and have ‘dominion over them’ as taught in the Bible and you are a step nearer to becoming a sport hunter.
The final ingredient is your Dad. He loves sport hunting. He loves to kill animals and sees nothing wrong in it. He teaches you from an early age; right from the beginning of your life that hunting for pleasure is as natural as a walk in the park. You join him on hunts and learn to love it because you are with your dad and you love him and believe in everything he says and does.
Then you grow up having shot and killed many animals and in doing so you have hardened your insensitivity towards this cruel act which is so unnecessary in the modern world. You are indoctrinated totally and have an implacable belief in killing animals for the fun of it. You see animal lovers as people who have distanced themselves, unnaturally, from their roots because they live in the urban environment.
And thus we have the vastly polarised viewpoints of those who detest sport hunting and those who love it.
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As much as I hate saying this…
I believe that sports hunters are 10 times worse than Woody.
At least Woody, and all the Woody’s in the world, have the delusion that they are somehow making the world a better place. And, they may have a decent insanity defense for their missions.
Sports hunters have no defense. Their only explanation is the “thrill”.
It may be an addiction really because, regardless of already having a felony conviction for killing a bear in Wisconsin, Palmer continued on the same bloody path.
I wonder how a convicted felon was allowed to, continually, practice dentistry. The Board for physicians and nurses would snatch licenses in a fast heartbeat.