What Type of Cat Might This Be?

What Type of Cat Might This Be?

by Carol

Kitty Curled up with Shoes

Kitty Curled up with Shoes

We found a bedraggled stray kitty a few years ago, and tried to find the owners with no luck. He was starving, dirty, matted, tick infested and sick. His personality was so adorable we fell in love, took him to the vet, gave him a bath, shaved off the mats - and a several months later he turned out rather handsome. But we have never figured out exactly what kind of cat he might be.

He has Siamese points, very large feet, weighs about 13-14 pounds, long furred tail, medium to long length cotton candy soft fur and does not vocalize very much. Since he goes out with me when I garden, I actually trim off large parts of ruff, belly and haunch fur to keep the dirt manageable.

The closest I can guess (based on pictures from the internet) is Ragdoll or traditional Balinese. But he always seems to miss by one criteria and those are not likely kitties to find on the street. He could be just a very cute mix... Does anyone have any good guesses?



Hi Carol... Thanks for visiting and asking. I think you have pretty much guessed right. One other cat that is pointed, long haired and traditional looking (as well as contemporary and flat faced) is the Himalayan, the pointed Persian.

He has a face and hair length and possibly body type that could pass as a traditional Persian cat and therefore could, I think, pass as a Himalayan.

The thing is this; it is obviously rare for a purebred cat to be wandering around abandoned or lost. But that said, there are one or two stories on this site of purebred cats being adopted from rescue centres having been abandoned because of bad behavior when in fact it has been bad human behavior.

One such story is The RagaMuffin and the Princess

Incidentally, the RagaMuffin is very similar to the Ragdoll.

So what about a conclusion? Sometimes purebreds are abandoned by breeders or given away as they are not to type (not good examples of the breed). That leaves these cats as pets even though they have an unwritten pedigree (and are therefore purebred cats). This may be the case with your cat.

But it is more likely to be an extremely handsome random bred cat or a purebred mix of some sort.

Either way, you have saved a cat and found a friend so it is all positive. I moved your submission to this page: PoC Forum.

Michael Avatar

What Type of Cat Might This Be? to PoC Forum

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What Type of Cat Might This Be?

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Mar 09, 2010 A beautiful cat
by: Ruth

Hi Carol, I agree with Michael, your cat is a bit of a mixture. But whatever breed/breeds he is, he's absolutely beautiful ! He looks very content in the photo.
I'm so glad you rescued him and gave him a wonderful home.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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