When he’s not ‘treating’ trees, arborist can be found climbing them to rescue cats

A Greater Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) man has turned his regular job into a useful skill that saves cats and makes distressed cat owners very happy.

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Ross Wilkinson is an arborist and tree risk assessor. When he’s not treating trees he can be found climbing trees to rescue cats.

In an interview with Victoria News, Ross explained his love of being a cat hero

“I’ve always had cats growing up, and people would always phone the office and ask for help and I’d say yes. I just enjoy doing it, being a cat person.”

Ross says it’s a misconception that fire departments rescue cats. They do it in extreme situations but most cats are stuck in a tree on their owners’ property.

While Ross doesn’t charge a fee, he does recall a funny story where a young cat was stuck up a 100-foot tree. The people who called him about the cat said it wasn’t even their cat but they were in tears when he brought it down and scraped up every penny they had to pay him. Ross received $46.25 for that rescue.

Since he registered with a Seattle-based online registry of cat rescuers, catinatreerescue.com, he goes on a few rescues per month and believes that is how people find him.

“People are always amazed, but it’s so easy for me to do. I do much harder stuff.”

As long as there are cats who become stuck in a tree, may we always have men willing to climb them.

Source 1.

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