When stroking my cat, how much pressure should I apply?

When stroking your cat, it’s essential to apply the right amount of pressure. Too much pressure can be uncomfortable or even painful for your feline friend, while too little pressure may not provide the desired effect. In fact, applying too much pressure or petting to vigorously can stimulate a play response from your cat which involves biting and scratching potentially. Not something you want to get involved with. This is been extensively discussed on the Internet.

The question may seem a little esoteric but I believe it is very practical and actually quite important. It probably applies more to men than women. In fact, the issue may be a barrier to a good relationship between cat and man.

Be a little more gentle than what comes naturally when petting your cat (men)
Be a little more gentle than what comes naturally when petting your cat (men)

How long?

There is also the question of how long you should pet your cat and there is a distinct limit to what domestic cats enjoy. Don’t presume that cats always enjoy being petted. I would tend to keep it on the short side if you are unsure of your cat’s preferences. You will learn your cat’s preferences through experience. And I would suggest that they vary between cats in respect of an acceptance to pettting.

Cat guides us

I think that the domestic cat provides us with some guidelines on this. There are two ways that they can interact with us in a loving mode: when they lick us and when they touch us with their paw. Cats often like to stretch out and touch us gently. They like contact with their caregiver provided the relationship is a good one.

A cat’s licking action is essentially gentle. Obviously it’s rasping in that the human recipient feels the backward pointing spines of the tongue on their skin but other than that it’s a gentle process with little pressure applied.

And therefore, I would argue that is what they expect when being stroked. The human stroking action is the nearest that a human can get to licking i.e. grooming their domestic cat companion. So, when petting your cat it should be conducted in a gentle manner. 

There is also the guidance provided by a cat’s response. Apply to much pressure and/or pet for too long and the response would likely be play which is not the desired objective.

The best areas are on the top of the head, behind the head and under the left and right cheeks and down the sides of the neck. These are also areas where you can flea comb very successfully. Flea combing carried out gently is also a replication of the domestic cat lick or grooming action.

Begin by lightly stroking your cat’s fur with your fingertips. Cats generally prefer small massaging and kneading movements over long strokes. However, if you do want to try strokes along the back (or, if they’re lying down, on their accessible side), keep the pressure gentle and move slowly. So, remember to avoid using excessive force and opt for a calm and relaxed manner when petting your cat.

As stated in the image, your cat will tell you if you are doing it correctly for them because they’ll probably ask for more. Do it wrong and you’ll definitely know if the pressure applied was too strong and for too long.


P.S. please forgive the occasional typo. These articles are written at breakneck speed using Dragon Dictate. I have to prepare them in around 20 mins. Also: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified. Also, I rely on scientific studies but they are not 100% reliable.

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