Where can I get a feral cat ribbon for my car?

I love feral cats and would like to buy a ribboin for my car that you have on this page. Please let me know how to do so.

Thank you.



Hi Dorothy….. thanks for visiting and asking. Well, I searched a while for these. The one heading this page is from Feral Indeed! a Flickr photographer and feral cat rescuer/helper.

These ribbons, as I understand it, are car magnets. They apply to any unwanted animal it seems and are not exclusive to feral cats but very suitable nonetheless.

I have found two sources in the USA.

One is eBay. Here is the link: Large IN MEMORY OF THE UNWANTED Car Magnet. This link is probably time sensitive and will probably disappear or the product will in due course. As at 11th Jan 2011 it was live.

The other source is on Pets.ca: IN MEMORY OF THE UNWANTED RIBBON MAGNET — (link broken 2012)
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you and publishing this which is due to pressure of work.


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Where can I get a feral cat ribbon for my car?

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Jan 12, 2011 In Memory of Unwanted Pets Ribbon
by: Riverside Robyn

I clicked on the link, and there was a message that said no items were being sold because the seller is away until January 15th, and is not processing orders. This is too bad because I am going to Bakersfield tomorrow on other business and could pick one up.

I was impressed that nearly 100% of the final sale price will support The Peaceful Kingdom Alliance 4 Animals. In their description, they said, “We are an all volunteer, non-profit 501c3 which was founded in February, 2001. The Peaceful Kingdom Alliance 4 Animals is dedicated to help stop animal abuse and suffering through public education and national awareness. Our mission is to help homeless and abandoned animals, and those that have been abused, mistreated, or injured, to find shelter, medical help and, at long last, the wonderful new forever homes that they each so richly deserve!”

Anyway, I will eventually purchase a ribbon. I attended my first training session at the local Humane Society. I was very impressed–this is a no-kill shelter. There is a large indoor cattery with open cubicles and a large play area for the 40 or so felines. They have 5 regular kennels with over 60 dogs along with quarantine kennels, Medical area, and grooming area. Also there is a large area to walk and train the dogs. I still have three more hours of training just to walk the dogs or play with the cats. Actually, I will be learning more about obedience training and cat socialization. Additional training is available for learning how to groom, join in “pet therapy” (actually, you take docile pets to nursing homes, and such), office work, home foster puppies and kittens, and participate in agility training. Most of the volunteers in my group are young adults–and hats off to them for taking the time to care.

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