It’s a white big cat family: white female tiger, white male lion, liger kids. It’s rare, damn rare. Actually it is unique. They are one of a kind. There are no others. I am referring to the white liger cubs. That is not to say that, personally, I approve because I don’t but this white feline family will interest a lot of people. I don’t approve of breeding like this to entertain the public. It is not my thing. How inbred are these cats?
We (humans) should not be breeding pretty white big cats for commercial reasons. I am with PETA on this (pronounced ‘Peter’). Did you know that all the world’s white tigers come from one – yes, one – male white tiger in the wild and his parents were shot by some idiot for fun. There are no white tigers in the wild: all gone. There are very few white lions in the wild (around 10?). All white tigers have to be inbred which is why some are born with anatomical deformities. No one talks about that except for people like me.
The best picture is the one of the parents snuggling. It is a really nice photograph by Barry Bland of Splash News. Very strange to see this. It is also strange that I have only today bumped into this story which emerged in Jan 2014!
They are at the South Carolina tiger sanctuary, Myrtle Beach Safari. This is a highly commercialised big cat business. The parents are Ivory, the white lion, and Saraswati, the white tiger. They were brought together (selectively bred) by the organisers of the business
There are 1000 ligers in the world apparently. People love this sort of stuff. But they need to be told the backstory. It is withheld from them.
Yeti, Odlin, Sampson and Apollo are the world’s first ever white lion-tiger hybrids – or ‘ligers’. Their uncle is/was (is he still alive?) Hercules, a whopping 922 pound liger and the world’s largest cat. These cubs will grow to be very large. Yeti may beat Hercules in weight and size. I find them cute like anyone else but I don’t agree with selective breeding of inbred cats for commercial reasons. I am sorry to inject some killjoy reality into the white liger party.