Who Are The Cat Lovers?

Who Are The Cat Lovers?

by Michael
(London, UK)

What type of person is most likely to be a cat lover? I can’t answer that accurately except to say that the person is more likely to be an intelligent woman but it is not that simple – Ownership of Cats in the UK.

What I can do it present some demographics in relation to my YouTube channel. In other words, “Who is watching the videos that are on this channel?”

A “channel” in YouTube language is a person’s home page on YouTube where a person can present their videos.

My YouTube channel mainly has videos of purebred cats and the most viewed videos are of F1 Savannah cats. These are first fillial wildcat hybrids. They are large domestic cats. There is perhaps a slight bias towards male humans as these cats are quite macho. This will colour the results.

Despite that I would like to present the demographics (the characteristics of a human population) that are collated by YouTube from the visitors to my channel.

Here is a spreadsheet showing the information:

For me, what is interesting is that both for men and women the age group 45-54 is the most dominant. The percentages are similar.

At the younger end of the age spectrum there is a disparity between male and female. There are far more females in the age group 13-17 than there are in the other age groups. This points to females prefering the domestic cat. Warrior cat role players are mostly females in this sort of age group for instance.

It is known that the best cat caretakers are men and women of an age around 55 and over. This is because their lives are more stable, they are more static and these people are less likely to be away from home. All these factors are good for the domestic cat as these people are able to be better companions for the domestic cat. They are less likely to relinquish their cat.

Make of the figures what you will. I thought they were quite interesting.

Here is a graphic version – a screen shot – from YouTube of the above data:

YouTube demographics for broadsurf

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