Why do cats eat mice heads?

Why do domestic cats eat the heads of mice that they catch? The answer is simple: it’s nutritious food. The domestic cat does not differentiate between different parts of the body except for one part which is the gallbladder because it’s too bitter. It contains bile. Often domestic cats will leave it behind. But in respect of all the other parts of the body of a mouse; it’s all food to a cat. They are not squeamish about eating the head. They don’t see the head as less nutritious than the other parts. I think the question comes about because people anthropomorphise the domestic cat. They sometimes measure the cat’s behaviour by human standards. Humans don’t normally eat the heads of fish, for example. It’s a human concept which is not on the domestic cat’s radar. That’s it. Enough said.

Is this all that is left of a mouse when your cat eats one?
Is this all that is left of a mouse when your cat eats one? The gall bladder. Photo: MikeB


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