Why do people promote a hatred for cats?

Why do people promote a hatred for cats?

by Michael

In running this site I have to search the internet a lot. I actually get most of my information from books because there is a lot of rubbish on the internet. There is some good information as well, though, to be fair.

The kind of internet information that concerns me and which could only be on the internet, is negative propaganda about the domestic cat.

Quite a lot of people like to try and make other people dislike cats, just as they do.

They do this by writing about cats in a derogatory way. They make bold statements that are meant to be fact but which are fiction and it is invariably critical and damaging to the domestic cat’s image in the world. I don’t like to see this. It actually makes me angry. It promotes cruelty to cats.

What is particularly disturbing is that often it is people in authority or people with classy qualifications such as doctorates who write these articles. This is one example. There are thousands of others.

Sometimes it is in jest. The article is written tongue in cheek, for a bit of fun. But I don’t find it funny. Even jokey articles that present the domestic in a bad light are damaging to the cat.

A typical way people write negatively about the cat is to take one aspect such as cat scratch disease (fever) and simply lie about it.

This is a rare problem for people. The bacteria on a cat’s claws or in the mouth can cause an inflammation on a person’s skin if they are scratched or bitten. People who dislike cats will say you have to get a tetanus jab if you get scratched. Rubbish. It is this sort of thing that also promotes the disagreeable practice of declawing.

These people should be stopped. They are sometimes scientists and government officials. They have a responsibility to the community to present unbiased accurate information.

Unfortunately the internet is unregulated. Only on the internet are you allowed to write and publish such biased and inaccurate articles that give the impression that the contents are true and sound. It might be the website that provides this false sense of authority.

It is time to regulate the internet. Have you reads this kind of article and been angry like me?

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Why do people promote a hatred for cats?

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Nov 08, 2011
Ahem, Michael!
by: Grahame

Ahem! Michael, I am surprised to hear you advocating for regulation (=censorship) of the Internet. As yourself a solicitor, I should have thought that you would understand the pernicious ramifications of such regulation and censorship. I hear your anger and frustration, but regulating the Internet is not any sort of viable response. And one can publish irresponsible material in other venues, too, and not just on the Internet. Just whom might you nominate as Censor, Michael?

It pains me to have read such things coming from you, whom I have respected. Could it be merely a bout of dyspepsia?

Nov 08, 2011
Ahem, Michael!
by: Anonymous

Ahem! Michael, I am surprised to hear you advocating for regulation (=censorship) of the Internet. As yourself a solicitor, I should have thought that you would understand the pernicious ramifications of such regulation and censorship. I hear your anger and frustration, but regulating the Internet is not any sort of viable response. And one can publish irresponsible material in other venues, too, and not just on the Internet. Just whom might you nominate as Censor, Michael?

It pains me to have read such things coming from you, whom I have respected. Could it be merely a bout of dyspepsia?

Nov 07, 2011
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

I agree with the cat lady that the horrible things done to animals will not go unpunished. I think there are natural consequences here and now– “what goes around comes around.” And then of course the fact that the stray cat nobody loved who ends up being abused in reality was loved very much by his Creator. “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” Someday we’ll all learn just what that means. We’ll be shown how we have misused His good gifts at every turn and harmed a world that was made not for us, as many believe, but for Christ. It was never made for us. All of it, ourselves included, was made by, through and for Christ. He gave us a little responsibility and we interpreted that command to care for the animals as giving us a lordship over them and freedom to do anything we wanted. Human pride is going to get knocked down big time.

But until then, unfortunately sometimes, we do have freedom of speech. It is a right granted to Americans by our government. Our founding fathers believed it was a right endowed by our Creator. But I think they meant humans have a right to criticize their government and change it if necessary.

Animal cruelty is against the law. Speech inciting this criminal activity is in itself criminal also. I’m with Michael. You can’t yell “Fire!” in a crowded theatre and claim freedom of speech. You can’t try to hire a hit man to kill your wife over the Internet and not be charged with conspiracy to commit murder– whether she dies or not. Speech advocating actual harm to companion animals is in itself a violation of laws against animal cruelty, because it encourages others to break the law. We don’t have a right, given to us by our Creator, to post such filth on the Internet.

Nov 06, 2011
Ruth + and Censorship –
by: Grahame

I agree with Ruth. I believe that it is radical OTHERNESS of cats that frightens insecure people. To me, besotted with love of domestic cats, it is undeniable that, notwithstanding this profound otherness, we do indeed communicate with, share emotions, empathy, joy, and sorrow with cats in their otherness.

As Ruth has pointed out, dogs tend to fawn whilst cats are proud and diffident. But earn the trust and love of a cat, and it is your joy; and a true, faithful friend. My own cats leave nothing at all to be desired in emotional responsiveness.

Ahem! Michael, I am surprised to hear you advocating for regulation (=censorship) of the Internet. As yourself a solicitor, I should have thought that you would understand the pernicious ramifications of such regulation and censorship. I hear your anger and frustration, but regulating the Internet is not any sort of viable response. And one can publish irresponsible material in other venues, too, and not just on the Internet. Just whom might you nominate as Censor, Michael?

It pains me to have read such things coming from you, whom I have respected. Could it be merely a bout of dyspepsia?

Nov 06, 2011
hurting people hurt other’s and in the end themselves the most!
by: cat lady

I believe it is because these people if you want to call them that) are very sick mentally and desperately lonely, as in the case of the “anonymous” poster that would frequent my web-site, after Michael shut it down. They are cowards and bullys and can only try to control those that they perceive are weaker or innocent. I believe they are inherently evil and can only feel happy when hurting people or animals. As my sister said “they will stand before their Creator someday and will have to answer for their cruelty” We do not own our lives or those of other’s on this planet. Our Creator is in control of all that he has made and doesn’t make junk. Everything serves a purpose, if only to live for a short time and be loved. Unlike the “anonymous ones” who do nothing to make it a better world. No wonder their life is consumed by vengeful acts against man and animals It has been my experience that people who hurt animals , as they are innocent and good, also hurt people. This will not go unpunished by a greater power.

Nov 06, 2011
hurting people hurt other’s and in the end themselves the most!
by: cat lady

I believe it is because these people if you want to call them that) are very sick mentally and desperately lonely, as in the case of the “anonymous” poster that would frequent my web-site, after Michael shut it down. They are cowards and bullys and can only try to control those that they perceive are weaker or innocent. I believe they are inherently evil and can only feel happy when hurting people or animals. As my sister said “they will stand before their Creator someday and will have to answer for their cruelty” We do not own our lives or those of other’s on this planet. Our Creator is in control of all that he has made and doesn’t make junk. Everything serves a purpose, if only to live for a short time and be loved. Unlike the “anonymous ones” who do nothing to make it a better world. No wonder their life is consumed by vengeful acts against man and animals It has been my experience that people who hurt animals , as they are innocent and good, also hurt people. This will not go unpunished by a greater power.

Nov 06, 2011
Cats are superior
by: Ruth

I don’t understand it either Michael.
Yes it’s everyone’s right to like or dislike different things but animals are not things and I have never fathomed out why some people love dogs but hate cats.
After all both species are living breathing beings who can’t help what form they are born in.
We don’t see pages criticising dogs and passing on myths about them and trying to turn others against them.
I can only think that at the bottom of these people they are really afraid of cats because they are a mystery to them and far superior in intelligence to them. A cat can give you a look of pure scorn if you upset him where as a dog will fawn around trying to get back into your good books.
I love dogs, I always have, but I love cats more and I find that others who love cats too are usually far nicer people than those who hate them.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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