Why do people promote a hatred for cats?
by Michael
In running this site I have to search the internet a lot. I actually get most of my information from books because there is a lot of rubbish on the internet. There is some good information as well, though, to be fair.
The kind of internet information that concerns me and which could only be on the internet, is negative propaganda about the domestic cat.
Quite a lot of people like to try and make other people dislike cats, just as they do.
They do this by writing about cats in a derogatory way. They make bold statements that are meant to be fact but which are fiction and it is invariably critical and damaging to the domestic cat’s image in the world. I don’t like to see this. It actually makes me angry. It promotes cruelty to cats.
What is particularly disturbing is that often it is people in authority or people with classy qualifications such as doctorates who write these articles. This is one example. There are thousands of others.
Sometimes it is in jest. The article is written tongue in cheek, for a bit of fun. But I don’t find it funny. Even jokey articles that present the domestic in a bad light are damaging to the cat.
A typical way people write negatively about the cat is to take one aspect such as cat scratch disease (fever) and simply lie about it.
This is a rare problem for people. The bacteria on a cat’s claws or in the mouth can cause an inflammation on a person’s skin if they are scratched or bitten. People who dislike cats will say you have to get a tetanus jab if you get scratched. Rubbish. It is this sort of thing that also promotes the disagreeable practice of declawing.
These people should be stopped. They are sometimes scientists and government officials. They have a responsibility to the community to present unbiased accurate information.
Unfortunately the internet is unregulated. Only on the internet are you allowed to write and publish such biased and inaccurate articles that give the impression that the contents are true and sound. It might be the website that provides this false sense of authority.
It is time to regulate the internet. Have you reads this kind of article and been angry like me?