It is a good question and there may be five possible health reasons why Siamese cats might vomit so much. However, before I go over the reasons I have to confess that the thought that Siamese cats vomit more than is usual for domestic cats is anecdotal as far as I know. I don’t know of any hard science which supports the statement. And domestic cats in general are very good vomiters so there may be a perfectly good reason why your Siamese cat is being sick which is unrelated to a serious health issue.
But going around the internet is the story that Siamese cats might have sensitive stomachs. I am not sure that it is to do with ‘sensitive stomachs’. It might be a disease as listed below.
Okay, let’s go over some of the five possible causes that supports the notion that Siamese cats ‘vomit so much’. All of these diseases are linked to the Siamese cat (and I presume the Siamese cat family of associated breeds of which there are at least eleven).
- Siamese cats are known to be predisposed to eating wool. It may cause vomiting. A Siamese cat guardian should be able to self-diagnose this as a cause if they are with their cat enough to observe them sufficiently.
- A tumour of the intestine is a possible cause and Siamese cats are three times more likely to have this condition. These tumours are adenocarcinomas of the small intestine.
- Feline bronchial disease is an abnormality of the lower airways. It can cause vomiting.
- Mast cell tumours. These cause a distended abdomen, anorexia and vomiting. Siamese cats have a predilection for a particular type of mast cell tumour.
- Pyloric stenosis is possibly an inherited disease affecting this breed. It is a narrowing of the lower part of the stomach in younger Siamese cats. It causes vomiting 30 minutes to 8 hours after meals and it may happen daily.
The source of this information is a page I wrote many years ago which itself is based on a lot of reading and research over a number of years. I have decided that Siamese cats are the most inherently unhealthy of all domestic cats. These are inherited conditions i.e. genetically based.