Why does my cat want attention when I get out of the shower?

I will keep this very short. It is a follow up to an early article on a very similar topic. Why does my cat want attention when I get out of the shower? Well, these are the reasons:

  • Your cat likes to be near you and often is right next to you but you are in a shower with a door or a curtain. These are barriers to being near you as is the deluge of water although some cats don’t mind the water.
  • Washing under a shower of warm water, I believe, results in your body odour being dispersed into the atmosphere of the bathroom which is an attractant to your cat because they rely on body scent to ID their caregiver and other pets together with visuals. But scent is very important to cats. It is a biomarker for cats to identify and recognise living objects.

That’s it. Your cat waits for your to get out and then wants to interact – wants your attention. Why does my cat want attention when I get out of the shower? In summary: they want to be very near you. This will happen when there is a close bond between cat and caregiver, which is not always the case.

An alternative and similar scenario is when cats join their owners when they are in the bathroom to use the toilet. This, too, is about being close with the added attraction of smells. Say no more.

I have kept this very succinct and used the title three times to check if Google ranks it. It is an SEO test. Google is putting millions of website through a kind of hell at the moment whereby they are all rendered invisible.

More: Cat Attractants.

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