We know that studies tell us that talking to our cat is more relaxing than speaking with another person. Our blood pressure and heart rate normally increases during conversations with other people while both heart rate and pressure decrease when we speak to our cat. Why is this? There is quite a stark difference.
The difference may exist because when people are talking to another person they anticipate that they are being judged or evaluated in what they are saying, which places demands upon them. This probably increases the level of adrenaline in the blood stream which in turn increases the heart rate and pressure.
People do not have this perception and feeling when they’re talking to their cat. We know it but this confirms the simple fact that our cat is not judging us but accepts us exactly as we are. In return, all good cat caretakers accept their cat exactly as they are. This is a very relaxing interaction and humans should learn from it. That said many human-to-human relationships have this level of trust and acceptance.
Being judged or not is one the great differences between interacting with a cat and a person and it is a major reason why many people prefer to do the former than the latter.
I know you’re right. My cats have helped my blood pressure and my winter depression.
Sometimes I think owners don’t fully understand the benefits they are getting. They need to be reminded!