This will be a very short post because the reason why dogs are self-evidently much easier to train than cats can be delivered in a succinct way according to Dr Bradshaw. There are two reasons behind this well-known difference between dogs and cats.
Firstly, dogs find the simple act of human attention rewarding whereas cats “do not find human attention rewarding in its own right”. If this difference is true it must because the cat is essentially a solitary creature whereas the dog is a pack animal.
Because of this difference the reward when training a cat is nearly always food. For the dog it can be affection. I suppose the point being made here is that as a dog is rewarded by our affection it is much easier to provide the reward.
The reward of course is part of positive reinforcement in training.
Secondly, dog behavior can be “shaped” into something useful for humans. An example is the sheepdog herding sheep. This is a modification of the hunting behavior of the wolf, the dog’s wild ancestor. The various forms of cat behavior cannot be shaped or adopted in this way.
I think the point Dr Bradshaw is making is that we train dogs to do something useful for us whereas cats were domesticated to prey on rodents but they don’t need training for that; we let them get on with it. The only reason for training a cat is for our pleasure. There appears to be no functional purpose to it.
Perhaps there is a third factor. Dogs are more needy than cats. The dog wants to please whereas the cat has a more take it or leave it attitude. The desire to please lends itself to being trained.
Exactly I’m With you Dee and Ruth. I know its lovely to look at Cats. I just think its so wrong. The Cats would be really unhappy and Anxious.
Yes I agree I refuse to Put my Cats in Cat Show. Mum Suggested it Once to me. Especially with Rebel & Smokey. I just dont want to put them though anything like that. I just want the Cats to be Cats in their own Environments. Also I think it does more Harm.
Thank you dear Rudolph
I am not talking only on politics
I am interesting in Welfare of cats whether cats are indoor or FERAL cats.
Cats in general are ignored in both the countries and specially the feral cats.
Indoor cats have a huge market in PAKISTAN, too but that is only for the RICH. 1% of total population.
Shows are held in PAKISTAN, too but the main purpose is to promote the sales not welfare aspect. Average per capita income in both countries are very low.
I once wrote a theory, which with the passage of time is going to become a bitter TRUTH, I wrote. . . .
“Cats welfare can only be achieved,If and only ‘IF’, other things remaining the same in East, like we see in the west. It will be a dream forever if other things are not erected within the due course of time otherwise, cats will continue to suffer as they are still suffering in the EAST.”
Note: OTHER THINGS means . . .
I have written all points in detail in my book. But I have a single criteria for all cats. If the population is not interested, or awareness level is restricted to only RICH, and if the number of people are selected ONLY RICH. The awareness level or the show/ party/ feast is only for the desired number of people.
I will never call it WELFARE for cats. It is same for me as in PAKISTAN and INDIA are two brothers on the same direction.
I need to know a difference regarding cats.
I also receive invitation of cats and dog shows but I never attend them because I know how much they are interested in cats welfare which is not only for indoor cats but my cat welfare speaks for the free roaming, too and it has no boundaries. It covers those cats in cages suffering in zoo but here in PAKISTAn, we are slaves and bound for the dirty politics my friend and politics directly affects the welfare of any species, this is what I know practically 🙁
And not to hurt anyone dear
it is only the matter of TRUTH I love to speak.
Thank you <3