by Jackie Davidson
(Carataunas, Granada, Spain)
My gorgeous black and white Oriental cat
As my first love was an original Siamese, who died at the age of 3, I felt I could not have another Siamese as I was too distraught by the loss of him. So I went for a totally different breed: The Maine Coon, which became very soon my very much loved companion.
Unfortunately, she died at the age of 7 from an inherited illness. Again, my dilemma was not to go for another Maine Coon, again, (as I was too upset) but something very different, yet, similar to the Siamese. And so I got 2 Burmese boys.
An absolute delight and most wonderful human-orientated cats. However, I felt I needed to have with my Burmese boys something even more like a Siamese and found by coincidence a litter of Orientals.
On my first visit I fell in love (and he with me) with a gorgeous black and white little boy. I had to wait 10 weeks before he could come home with me, but visited him every 2 weeks. As soon as I would come into the house, he would sit on my foot and he was making sure that he was the chosen one.
I have had him called on his pedigree: 'I found my match' and 'Slick' for short as he is very slick, suave.
He is now almost 1 year old and the most wonderful cat as well as being so very close to me that we have a telepathic relationship. I now have the best of all worlds: 2 great companions, who want to be with me all the time as well as this most beautiful and elegant creature that gives me butterflies when he looks at me. And all 3 of them remind me so much of that very special breed: the Siamese.
From Why I Adopted an Oriental Kitten to Oriental Shorthair cat