Wild Cat Species in India

Fishing cat
Fishing cat lives in India amongst a dozen other wild cat species

The following wild cats species live in India:

  1. Leopard
  2. Asiatic golden cat
  3. Caracal
  4. Clouded leopard
  5. Fishing cat
  6. Jungle cat
  7. Leopard cat
  8. Lion
  9. Eurasian lynx
  10. Pallas’s cat
  11. Marbled cat
  12. Rusty-spotted cat
  13. Bengal Tiger

Each of the above species are discussed in detail on this website. If you go to the menu just below the header image you will see “Wild Cats 1”. Click on that and go from there.

India is a wonderful place for the wild cat species in terms of their varety but they are gradually being pushed out of their habitats by human population growth and activity. The demise of the Bengal tiger is the paradigm case of conservation failure despite Project Tiger.

I have a map on my website which sets out which wild cat species lives in which country. Therefore you can find out which wild cat species lives in any of the countries on the planet. You can get to that page by clicking on the following link: Wild Cats of the World Map.

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