Cat stuck in tree? Call the window cleaner. Where others feared to tread and failed to go, a window cleaner and his extra long ladder rescued this young cat from a high tree and the person who sought help, Rainee Penfield, was mightily impressed. She said of the rescue:
“It was beautiful and intense. The cat didn’t want anything to do with the carrier [the rescuer had taken a carrier up the ladder], he just jumped right on Rosengren’s shoulders. He was so sweet”.

I suppose it was a fairly straightforward ‘cat stuck in’ tree rescue. It happens everywhere. This time it happened at 11 am in a neighbor’s backyard in a suburb of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Rainee Penfield had heard a loud meow outside. She investigated and noticed a shivering grey-and-white cat stuck up a 30 foot tree. She tried to coax the cat down with food and toys but this proved unsuccessful. There weren’t enough sturdy branches near the cat to assist him.
Penfield called several tree services. She also called Animal Control, the Lincoln Fire and Rescue Service, the Capital Humane Society, all without success. She certainly tried her best. The response in general was that the cat would come down by himself but Penfield knew that he was stuck and for her it was very distressing.
In a way Facebook came to the rescue because she posted a plea on several Facebook group pages and on her personal page. A church friend who owns a window cleaning service responded. His name is Shane Rosengren. He telephoned her to make arrangements to get the cat down but it was too windy that day and so he came on Wednesday at 7 AM. He came promptly as promised and Penfield was impressed. His mood was ‘let’s get the job done’.
Rosengren used an extra long ladder. He went up equipped with a blanket and a cat carrier. As mentioned above the carrier wasn’t needed because the cat jumped onto his shoulders so keen was he to get down. His behavior was very sweet and compliant.
Rainee Penfield named the cat “Clarity”. This is the name of Rosengren’s cleaning business. A veterinarian checked Clarity and declared him healthy and not-microchipped. Under Nebraska state law Penfield can’t adopt Clarity for at least 30 days in case the owner comes forward. In the meantime Clarity is living with Penfield’s mother.
“He’s just a wonderful man… It was beautiful to see him put his heart out like this”. Penfield describing her knight in shining armour, a window cleaner whose name is Shane Rosengren.
It is interesting that a window cleaner stepped up to the plate where others who were ostensibly better qualified failed to show interest. Perhaps it was his Christian beliefs which drove him forward. It looks that way. You can tell the good guys: they want to help animals. It is a sign of a good character I believe. Penfield described the cat as sweet. She is also sweet-natured. You can tell that in the way she conducted herself and the language she used.
Source: Journal Star.
This is very valuable information. I doubt if most people would think to call a window cleaner. Posting to FB and Twitter.