Woman in blonde wig photographed dragging cat by cord around neck along sidewalk

Cat dragged along sidewalk
Cat dragged along sidewalk

There is a video. Los Angeles authorities are searching for a woman caught on camera dragging a cat by a ‘lead’ (a cord) along the sidewalk. What do you think? She must be suffering from mental health problems. The cat was taken from her and rescued eventually but she tasered a woman who intervened!

It is hard to make a sensible comment about this because it is so crazy and it is very odd behavior. It is difficult to see the purpose of it.

2 thoughts on “Woman in blonde wig photographed dragging cat by cord around neck along sidewalk”

  1. LMAO I started a family war ( again ) when I caught my BIL’s little psycho swinging a cat with a rope around it’s neck. I’ve called on a few bad parents who left their toddlers in the car while they shopped. You’re either going to do right or you become part of the problem.

  2. Michael, so happy the kitty is okay. Heaven forbid if I would EVER see someone abusing a child, anipal or elderly person because I WOULD end up in jail!! I DO NOT and WILL NOT tolerate such crap!! I will share this so that hopefully the perpetrator will be found.

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