This is heart-stopping stuff. It is hard to see the kitten appear on the road but the lady driving the motorbike saw him and saved him risking her own safety in doing so. She was wearing one of those Hero GoPro video cams on her helmet, I suspect, and was, therefore able to record the whole event.
The tiny ginger-and-white kitten looked like a leaf blowing down the road at one time. This kitten must have been dumped from a passing vehicle, surely? A kitten can’t just fall out of a car and in any case killing cats this way is not uncommon. The lady, says the cat fell from a red car. She tried to contact the owners (how?) but without success (good!) and has named he cat “Skidmark”.
“Thank you to the mystery lady that helped (you can see her in blue in the video on the sidewalk) and all the people that paid attention and stopped, it was very appreciated,” the motorcyclist writes. “Kitten turned out to be a he, and is resting safely now.”
“Skids” is doing well having been to the vet and been treated for worms. He is fine and I hope he has a permanent and good home. Well done lady.
Forgive me for even even thinking it, but this wasn’t a set up, deliberately created video recorded event was it?
Motorcycle riders are ‘victimized’ a lot by drivers in the US. NTM: I think those cams are getting popular with everyone. I saw an advertisement the other day for a cam for your car. I also remember when videos caught that comet hittting Russia. They were talking about everyone having a cam for the car!! ?
Thanks Kit for your thoughts. I suppose the motorcyclist wears that Go Pro cam all the time when she is on her bike as a precaution against other drivers who dry carelessly.
I don’t believe it was staged. There is something similar from Indonesia(?) on YouTube….ending is not so happy…but bless him for caring. Google:
“Man tries to save cat that got hit by car”
How amazing to spot such a tiny creature. And then take care of the kitten so kindly. Gosh I hope it’s not a fake film, both ladies seemed so genuine and caring. I can’t imagine it’s a set up. Maybe the motorcyclist had a previous hit and run and now wants to protect herself on each journey. I know the feeling. A man drove into the back of me after I’d had to stop abruptly behind a huge lorrry and my stupid useless insurance company refused to take my side as the man that hit me said I reversed into him!!! If I was a bit more technically minded I’d now install a camera to avoid these disputes in the future so I can see why anyone else would want to protect themselves from unreputable individuals driving vehicles. Once bitten twice shy.
I hope that it wasn’t a set-up; but who knows these days?
How many riders have cameras activated?