Woman who bragged on Facebook about son driving over cats pleads not guilty

Cain brags about driving over cats and enjoying it
Cain brags about driving over cats and enjoying it

Vasfije Cain (her first name has a Serbian origin), 43, is a woman who quickly gained notoriety when she posted on Facebook her encouragement to her son to drive over cats on the road and bragged about it.

“As he drives mom around he runs over 3 cats maybe people should keep there cats at there home and not on the street so proud of him Eliminating the cat population”.


“I don’t give 2 (explicit) what anyone thinks and yea I am proud he ran them over keep your (explicit) pets off the street.”

A petition states: DEMAND THIS CONFESSED ANIMAL MURDERER BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!!! It has over 7,000 signatures (goal is 8,000).

She is also accused of mixing rat poison with tuna to kill cats.

Photo by Daniel Freel/New Jersey Herald Vasfije Cain in court.
Photo by Daniel Freel/New Jersey Herald Vasfije Cain in court.

Legal representation

Cat haters love her and cat lovers hate her! She says she has lost two jobs over it and is unable to pay for legal representation at her trial at the Hopatcong Municipal Court.

The judge ordered a discounted price for a public defender at $100! Cheap at the price. Damned cheap.


She pleaded not guilty despite the admission to an animal cruelty charge of hitting a domestic cat and failing to stop. The local animal welfare laws must include that. A lot animal laws don’t insist that drivers stop.

The reason why she pleaded not guilty is because apart from the admission there is no evidence that her son did drive over cats. If he did it may well be that the cats ran off and hid provided someone actually searched for them which I seriously doubt.

It is all a bit messy. Cain was charged on Aug 24th after an investigation by the Hopatcong Police and Animal Control.


The case is not only marked by the unusual nature of the alleged crime but also by the name of the accused and the name of the place where it occurred.


First Assistant Prosecutor Gregory Mueller said that the charge could be dismissed because, as mentioned, there is no hard evidence other than the admission. I guess that encouraging to kill cats and bragging about killing them is not strong enough evidence to prove a crime.

At the moment it appears a trial will take place and if she is convicted her punishment would be up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. SEE EARLIER POST ON THIS STORY.

5 thoughts on “Woman who bragged on Facebook about son driving over cats pleads not guilty”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Well the miserable cretin lost two jobs and I hope she loses everything. Punishment comes in many forms. Sometimes society takes care of what the legal system won’t.

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