Working With Your Cat (A Photograph)

It may not interest anybody but this is how I work when I write an article for my website. I dictate the article using my iPhone as a microphone onto a Windows operating computer (because the dictation software works better with the Microsoft Windows operating system). The connection between iPhone and computer is wireless. My cat, Gabriel, is on my legs as you can see in the photograph which means my computer normally has to be to my left. However, as I took this photograph with my computer it is not visible!

Working with your cat
This is how I often work with my cat when dictating articles for my website.

You can see that I am on my bed as it is more comfortable. You can also see that my cat is wearing a harness because at the moment I taking him out into the back garden on a leash about four times daily. I’m doing this until an enclosure has been built which surrounds the back garden to keep him entirely within the garden.

He wears a harness all the time at the moment because he objects to it being put on and, in any case, he is now thoroughly used to wearing it and it doesn’t bother him. I’ll probably remove it when the enclosure is operational and I am sure that he can’t escape.

You can see that on the harness, near his left shoulder, there is a radio transmitter (a gray object). I have the receiver. If he gets away from me and becomes lost I can use the receiver to help me find him. It is fairly effective and can pick up the transmitter at about 100 yards.

I dictated this with him on my legs as you can see in the photograph. It is certainly a very pleasant way to work. It is great to have the company of your cat while you are working. I think it’s great for him to. The more interaction we have with our cat the better for both parties.

2 thoughts on “Working With Your Cat (A Photograph)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. That is a very stylish harness and love the tracking device. Mostly I’m just so happy you got him back.

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