World is a scary place and it affects us all (and our cats!)

World is scary
Photo: Paul Schultz

Here is some proof (there are many other examples) that we are finding the world an increasingly scary place and have been doing so for years. Every year that goes by makes he world scarier.

Proof One

In England, UK in 1970, 80 percent of children aged seven and eight travelled to school alone. In 1990, the figure was 9 percent and it is believed that the figure continues to fall year on year. Parents are scared to let their kids outside alone because it is scary out there.

An American couple, both highly educated and ‘thinkers’ believe in ‘free-range parenting’. It is reminiscent of ‘free-roaming cats’. There names are Danielle and Alexander Meitiv.

They have been reprimanded by the local authorities and almost lost their kids as the authorities threatened to take them into care. Why? Because they allow their ten-year-old son and six-year-old daughter to walk the short distance home from a local park.

The Maryland authorities found them responsible for ‘unsubstantiated child neglect’ for doing something that was the norm almost years ago.

The police stopped the children and alerted the authorities. ‘Free-range parenting’ advocates self-reliance. It is backlash against over-protective parenting called ‘helicopter parenting’. ‘Helicopter parenting’ as a concept is burgeoning.

The parents are appealing the authorities decision and will continue to let their children walk home alone. The FBI says that abductions by strangers are rare. Most kidnappings are by family members.

There is a fear of what might happen ‘out there in the nasty world’.

Proof Two

In the UK cars have become increasingly large and ‘muscular’ looking. This satisfies demand for a feeling of safety when outside. People want to drive in a protective bubble. Where is it going to end. Cars should be smaller and lighter for economy and the environment.


A major reason why people keep cats inside is because ‘out there’ in the scary world there are poisoners and nasty people who want to harm cats. Also human populations are consistently on the up, bringing more traffic and other hazards to cats.

8 thoughts on “World is a scary place and it affects us all (and our cats!)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Michael Moore’s documentary “Bowling for Colombine” opened my eyes to the culture of fear.

    Politicians and the media are both culprits. The media has a tendency to sensationalise the coverage of certain news items and politicians play on those fears by promising to protect the voting public from them.

    • Nice point. We are manipulated. Personally, I don’t really have fear anymore, none. I lost any anxiety I may have had years ago. I only fear a painful, slow death or something like a stroke.

      • Having a stroke or being left in a vegative state is one of my worst fears too. I’ve seen first hand how devastating the effects can be. My dad had a couple of major strokes in his late forties and made a full recovery from both. Unfortunately when he was only 52 he suffered a series of minor strokes and died.

        My great aunt had a stroke in her late 60s, but sadly never regained her speech or mobility. She was already virtually blind, so it was especially cruel that simple pleasures such as having a conversation or reading a book, were taken from her.

  3. Why are authorities so intent on instilling fear into people. Is this how they control the masses?

    People worry about letting children outside unsupervised yet in reality it is no more dangerous for children than it ever was. All this “stranger danger” stuff is over the top. Children are far more likely to be abused by a family member or friend, than a complete stranger. Children and teenagers spend a lot of time on social media web site, making them rife for on-line grooming and worse.

    To make children grow up fearful, surely isn’t in their best interests.

    • You think the authorities instill fear in people. I didn’t think of it that way but now you have mentioned it I can see it. Is this the nanny state? Mothering us and handing down bad advice. Perhaps the media plays a big role too. They present an image of a very dangerous world. Why did mothers become frightened of letting their children out? As you say, not much has changed since the days when they played all day in the street.

  4. “Free range parenting” seems unrealistic in this day and age. I was born in 1943, and was highly unsupervised and neglected by alcoholic parents. I enrolled myself in kindergarten, which meant walking several blocks. I rode the trolley in San Francisco at 6. I was out and about by myself from the age of 6. I had 3 narrow escapes in dealing with abusers at ages 6, 8, and 9. I actually testified in court, and one man went to jail for about a year.

    Living in an alcoholic, abusive home created a “hyper vigilance” in me, and this may be true for other children. But the children of “free-range” parents are more than likely intelligent, loving?, and otherwise seen as good parents.

    My 2 sons have young children, and are very vigilant about their children. They spend a lot of time with them. They live in a nice neighborhood, but don’t allow them out unsupervised.

    I can’t imagine the anguish of a parent who allows a child to be unsupervised in this day. There are too many predators. Animals and children are very vulnerable.

  5. In simpler terms: You don’t care if your cats are going to die by being ran-over by cars or lap-up antifreeze in any gutter; so why should anyone else care if your cat lives or dies that way? You most certainly don’t care if your cat lives or dies if you let it roam free. To you, that cat is a 100% expendable ornament, even less than that, you don’t even care if it is around. You expect everyone else to care more about your cats even more than you do? (Which is not at all.) Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.


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