

by Stormbuddy

Find Your Fate

Find Your Fate

Destiny Mountain is reaching their 1st Anniversary on January 10th, 2008 - and boy have they come a long way. At one point, the site reached 120 members, but sadly, only about 20-30 were active.

Since then, 4 wonderful administrators have kept the site in check, and spirits high. Silver Star, and Mudstar (silver and muddy), are both caring, and will stop to hear your ideas, concerns, or just plain chat. It's the same with Leafheart and Feralstorm, the minor admin's on destiny mountain.

There are also many areas to role play in, whether your a tribe kind of cat, right down to their own 'Dog Pack'.

There are 5 clans in total. Mountainclan, Flameclan, Cloudclan, Stormclan, and Groundclan. And reacently, a loner clan named Featherclan, who roam the territories and which is ruled by 5 cats. Starclan is also RP-able by any one.

As you can see, there is very little boredom.

Members are very active and fun to role play with. There is always a way to get involved(and recently- a bunch of prides were discovered on the opposite side of the mountain!)!

I give this site a rating of 10 out of 10,
But if you cant take my word for it,
Check it out yourself!
~ Rippedstorm (Stormbuddy)

Check YouTube for the first DMWC video! (Coming Soon)

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Jan 06, 2009
by: Anonymous

Hey i was wondering if this was a chat room and if it isn't than can we see other cats too? explain to me what this is all about.... please.

Answer: This is a place where people can make a post about warrior cats, make a comment about those posts, vote for a WC RPG forum, read a story and see videos etc. There are lots of other (real!) cats on the website. Go to Home page. Thanks for the comment. Michael -- Admin

Jan 04, 2008
by: Leafheart

Woooow. Stormbuddy, your awesome. Is this like a super official site for cats? (I feel like an idiot asking.) Because DMWC is awesome to anyone looking to join!

Jan 04, 2008
DM Love!
by: Rosie

I love Destiny Mountain because the administrators know how to run the site really well. They keep it in order and it's super fun to roleplay in.

There are tribes, clans, rouges, loners, kittypets, and a second site to put the prides. All of the members here are nice, and love to chat, so why not visit us at Destiny Mountain?

Jan 04, 2008
by: Elle

Wow! That is wonderful! I'd LOVE to join it, but I'm already a member! XD Try to guess who..

Anyway, it seems the admins have gone through some hard times, and a lot of working stages. Let me tell you, there are many of those boards I see, and each one has a pretty good explanation. Please visit Destiny Mountain and become one of the family!

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