

by Flames (AKA Flamestar, Flamestorm, Hollyclaw, Hollystar)
(Pack of Hunting Claw)

Wolves Rule!

Wolves Rule!

This is a shoutbox wolf-warriors roleplay ITS THE BEST JOIN IT!!..

Pack of Hunting Claw

Well guys thanks for coming by. Two things. You didn't say much 🙂 and it's about dogs! Well wild dogs, wolves.

Well I decided to publish it because it is different.

I hope you don't mind if I make some comments about your home page.

Nice appearance, different. You have an error of meaning on the home page. You say that actions should be inside asterixes. The spelling is asterisk. But what you mean is inverted commas. So actions should be inside inverted commas. That is meant to help not criticise. Also there is a typo: UNDERNEATH THIS CHATBOX THERE IS ARE RULES, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

Is it right that there are 5 packs:

# pack of hunting claw
# Pack of Darkest Night
# pack of sun and moon
# pack of cloudy sky
# pack of bright wing

Thanks for promoting your site Wolves Rule! here...Michael

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Dec 08, 2010
by: Shadefur

Hey ;D If you like to roleplay or are just simply looking for a good active warriors website to roleplay on, check out www.russetclan.webs .com . ;D It just recently reopened. I've been a member of it since the beginning, and I'd love to see it become really active again with new people ^^ So check it out if you'd like

Nov 13, 2010
by: Eagle's Wing


Dec 29, 2009
Sorry for advertising Xd I'm desperate!
by: GrenkaGrah

GrenkaGrah: anyone looking for a site to join? I need active members. I'm not going to be all, "Join because it's awesome and you'll love it" because i really don't know who will like it. But give it a try! Dragons and magic. yeah, it sounds lame. I like it, and my friends as well, I just hope it doesn't do inactive! If anyone's interested in joining it, it's . It's about Sibylls, which are sort of like riders but can change into dragons, and... well.. dragons! XD. so come check it out! God i sound so desperate... well I guess I kinda am. See you around!

Dec 18, 2009
Thanks Jan
by: Michael

Thanks Jan. I agree. I have a page on Warrior cats where role players can promote their site and as you say there is little difference between a wolf and a cat in this context.

Any articles based on first hand experience are very useful and well researched articles are always very welcome.

Thanks for your contributions Jan.


Dec 18, 2009
Wolves are creatures too
by: Jan Plant

Most kind of you to post this on the cats site. Says a lot for you as a fellow human! Kudos! Good to know you,Sir. So many sites are so tight azzed about who and what they allow in.You're doing an excellent job,and certainly deserve more then an "atta' boy"!

Feel free to let me know if there are any cat topics you'd like me to write about at Examiner. I've already submitted the de-clawing article and will be submitting a article on TNR later this am.

Keep up the good work,and thank you once again for creating it.

Jan Plant

1 thought on “www.the-wolf-packs-roleplay.webs.com”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Pandora…the world of wolves. Fangs, claws, clanmates, and elements mean everything here. Without the ability to fight, you will be slaughtered. Without the help of clanmates, you will be in horrible danger. Without the salvation of the elements, you will suffer. This is Pandora, the world of wolves.

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