Yes, I know it’s another cat in a cardboard box but it’s different

A cute, vocal kitten plays the fool in a cardboard box with a round hole in it.

I like the way the owner is telling her cat to get out of the box “otherwise you are going to hurt yourself…”. It’s a mother speaking to her wayward kid. Cats love boxes and they like poking their heads through holes. It has to the famous cat curiosity.

Kitten plays the fool in cardboard box

2 thoughts on “Yes, I know it’s another cat in a cardboard box but it’s different”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. My two came running when they heard the tiny kitten mews.

    I talk to mine in all kinds of ways, parent, friend, confidente & colluder.


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