Young Teenage Girls Arrested For Being Cruel To Kittens

A 13-year-old girl and two 14-year-old girls have been arrested for being cruel to kittens.

Young teenage girls arrested for being cruel to kittens
Young teenage girls arrested for being cruel to kittens

This happened in the UK. It is astonishing that such young girls can be involved in animal cruelty of this nature. They have been arrested after video footage appeared on Snapchat showing two kittens being abused by being hurled into the air. Normally girls tend to be kind towards kittens and love them.

Two girls forcefully rub the kittens together, suggestive of sex. All the girls come from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK. The footage shows a girl sitting on a bed and holding the kittens before throwing them into the air.

The camera operator zooms in to one of the kittens who appears to be lifeless on the floor after being thrown high in the air and hitting the floor at high speed. Throughout the whole episode, the girls take great delight in what they’re doing. They laugh at their antics.

The video appeared on Snapchat on Tuesday, March 19. The Daily Mail online tells us that all three are currently in custody at Stevenage police station. The kittens have been taken to the RSPCA and are being assessed by a veterinarian.

Hertfordshire police are involved and they said:

“Two 14-year-old girls and one 13-year-old girl from Stevenage have been arrested under section 41 of the Animal Welfare Act, on suspicion of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.”

The video was also posted to Facebook, as I understand it. It received 500 comments and, as is to be expected, the girls received lots of criticism.

I’m not going to show the video because I decided some time ago to avoid publicising this sort of abuse through video. However, on this page I have reproduced a couple of photographs from Deadline News as published on Daily Mail Online to provide an indication as to what these girls were up to.


It’s another example of children without a moral compass. It’s getting worse, I would argue, in the UK. They simply do not understand what they’re doing. They’ve not been taught between right and wrong. They’ve not been taught to respect others including animals. They are self-indulgent. No doubt they are obsessed with social media which is why they uploaded the video to a social media website. They are unaware of the gravity of their actions. They need a long period of re-education and initially they need to be punished.

2 thoughts on “Young Teenage Girls Arrested For Being Cruel To Kittens”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I completely agree with you. The only thing these 3 monsters deserve is to die before they commit more cruelty.

  3. These little cunts deserve nothing but the death sentence! I don’t give a flying fuck how old they are. Kill them now and get rid of the assholes before they grow older and get even worse! I have no care for little fucks like this! And for measure get rid of the parents as well.

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