‘Your cat’ in French

Young French girl showing off her cat 1959
Young French girl showing off her cat 1959. Photo deemed to be in the public domain.

In French you can say ‘your cat’ in one of two ways depending on whether you are familiar with the person with whom you are conversing.

If you are friendly with the person or know them well you use the phrase ‘ton chat’.

If you are talking to a stranger you say: ‘votre chat’.

Example sentence:

English: I love your cat.

French: J’aime ton chat OR J’aime votre chat.

In French the difference is expressed in the verb ‘tutoyer’ which means to address a person with the pronoun ‘tu’ as opposed to ‘vous’. When you love your spouse, you say Je t’aime and if you like a lot or love someone you don’t know so well, you say Je vous aime.

The French word for cat ‘chat’ is said like this:

I hope this helps. Below is France’s own purebred cat; the smiling cat.

History of the Chartreux cat: 5 theories!


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