Are you like Tabitha Miles who lives in Essex, England. She is 40 years and has consistently put off her boyfriends with her love of cats. She cares for two at the moment: Foxy a Birman and Wolfie a Maine Coon. Tabitha is called “Tabby” – neat for a cat lover. Wolfie is a tabby Maine Coon, incidentally.
Tabby tells her boyfriends that her cats sleep with her in bed. Guess what her boyfriends do when they hear that? Yes, they disappear.
Over dinner her conversation turns to….guess what? Yes, cats. It’s the last dinner she’ll be taken out to by her boyfriend. No matter; she goes out to dinner herself with her cats 😉 So much simpler and manageable.
Tabby spends £4,000 annually on caring for her cats. The usual amount for the average good cat guardian is around £10,000-£15,000 over the cat’s lifetime. She clearly loves cats with a passion and her love is shown in her excellent cat caretaking.
Tabby obviously likes men and wants a steady boyfriend and a long-term relationship but she loves her cats too much (more?). Her cat love leaves little room for a human companion. I think that she is resigned to it.
I wonder, though, if it would be the same if she had a passionate love of dogs instead of cats? Do you think that kind of animal love would put off her suitors as much as cats? No, I don’t believe so.
There is a little bit of the “crazy cat women” syndrome here, which is a factor why men are put off. Perhaps she is also picking the wrong men. There are men who love cats. The problem is that she probably prefers the sort of man who likes dogs, which is where the clash is.
Tabby’s relationship problems are not just about her love of cats. It is also about her love of a certain sort of man and that can never be altered. It is hard-wired into the brain.
I expect though that she will eventually find a man when she is about 55-60 years-of-age. At that time a relationship is more about practicalities and less about passion so the bed isn’t so important anymore. She’ll mellow a bit and open her heart to a special cat loving man.
Boyfriend won’t let her adopt a shelter cat and she is in tears
Research funded by the discovery+ television channel found that 93% of cat owners will not give up their cat for love. In other words, when push comes to shove, a cat owner will keep their cat and allow their lover to go their own way. I suspect that this is about one partner making demands on the other to get rid of the cat. Under the circumstances the cat owner will not comply and allow their partner to walk away from the relationship. The study interviewed 2000 Britons between the age of 18 and 64. It also revealed that people won’t change their religion in the interests of love. It is suggested that the British know their boundaries and they know the limits of what they are willing to do for their partner.
Note: the story was published in September 2014. I have updated it by adding the section about the study which is relevant to the story. And in doing so I republish the article today July 24, 2022.
Story source: Daily Mail.
It sounds like Tabitha has an obsession with cats. I have had cats my whole life. My mother called it my “affliction”.
I’ve never had a problem dating and I had more than 2 cats. What I didn’t do was constantly talk about them to others. I didn’t shove the “them or me” ultimatum at anyone. If someone I dated didn’t like pets around, that was fine. There are always more fish in the sea.
Really, who would want to be with someone who is obsessed? Conversely, who wants to be with someone who doesn’t like your furry friends?
Me thinks Tabitha needs some serious psychotherapy.
Thanks Michael for Deleting that Comment. He really is an Unhappy Human Being. I felt Quite offended what he said about degrading women and Cats. Its a Sad world we Live in.
Very realistic article, thanks MICHAEL 🙂
This certainly is a no-brainer.
Goodbye Jerk and “Hello Kitty”.
You really are a Very Sad Sad Sadisitic Man. WHo will die an unhappy Man. THank GOd I Never KNew you. GO back to where you came From and Get a LIFE!!!!
Oh puhleaze!! This is a no brainer!…deleted because it is disgusting (admin).