Ascot, Here We Come!

Ascot, Here We Come!

by Barbara Kayser
(Philadelphia, Pa., USA)

My cats are Tuppence, an eight year old blue BS female, and Eric the Red, a six month old rescued street urchin.

I was sitting and reading when I suddenly heard the thunder of paws, turned, and saw Tup running, flat out like a racehorse, with Eric on her back like a jockey, needing only a whip to complete the performance.

It was one of the funniest sights I have ever seen, and before I could pick up my camera, it was over!

I adopted Eric to give Tup a companion and some exercise. He certainly does his job well!


Hi Barbara… thanks for visiting. Your story conjures up a unique image in my mind.

I have never heard or seen this before. I would not expect you or anyone else to get the picture. It must have been a fleeting moment.

However, if by some chance you had been able to get a piece of video, you’d have had a hit on YouTube.


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Ascot, Here We Come!

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Feb 06, 2012
I loved reading this
by: Ruth

I loved reading about Tup and Eric, I could just picture that jockey lol
Two cats can have so much fun together and get excercise too.
Our two are 10 years old now and still have their mad half hour, Jo’s favorite trick is hiding behind a door and springing out when Walt comes innocently by. That sets them off trundling all over the house playing chasey and never fails to make us laugh.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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