8 ways antihistamines can potentially cause tinnitus. Infographic.

This Infographic and the idea behind creating it comes from personal experience. I’m an old man and I suffer from mild tinnitus. I also have sinus problems and have had them for many years. Like many people my GP prescribed antihistamines to help “dry up” my sinuses. Antihistamines do this. They are convenient because …

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8 elderly cat behaviours in an infographic

It seems to me that domestic cats are living longer just like their caregivers. Fifteen years of age used to be good and now it is commonplace. This means more demands on caregivers in respect of caring for an elderly cat. Of course, the chances of having to face health issues increases as is …

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8 cat owning responsibilities and their cost. Infographic.

This is a 2-page infographic. At the base of the first one is a link to the second (costs). I am often reminded of the cost of looking after a domestic cat. And with inflationary pressures on all fronts including cat caregiving these costs can bite sometimes. Of course, it depends on disposable income …

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Cohabitee split. Agreement on who gets the cat? Infographic.

Recommended: an agreement should be in place on who gets what when cohabitees (non-married) split up. Below the infographic is a draft agreement as a good starting point. It is not that big a deal but it provides peace of mind about something that might happen in the future. It is good for the …

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Is Medilisk tinnitus spray legit? NO. Infographic explains.

This is relevant to cat caregiving! 😎😱 That’s because: Tinnitus is highly prevalent among older adults, particularly those over the age of 60. Estimates suggest that 10–25% of the adult population experiences tinnitus, with prevalence increasing with age. Here are some key findings: See more below the infographic… Overall, tinnitus is a common condition …

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Frequency of cleaning clothes as a cat owner. Infographic.

This is about questioning one’s routines that are often accepted as written in tablets of stone but which in a changing world can be outdated or plain wrong. There is often room for improvement in applying common sense and logic. This is an interesting topic but hardly ever discussed. It is not strictly relevant …

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