Reason why most domestic cats bury their faeces. Infographic.

Not all domestic cats hide their feces. Sometimes they don’t in the litter tray perhaps because through excellent cat caregiving they feel equal to their caregiver and non-submissive. If a cat feels secure, confident, and perhaps even equal to its human, it may not feel the need to display submissive behavior by covering its …

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Domestic cat’s faster metabolism demands more frequent meals. Infographic.

Is the metabolism of the domestic cat faster than that of humans? Yes, the metabolism of domestic cats is indeed faster than that of humans. Cats have a higher basal metabolic rate, meaning their bodies use energy at a quicker rate to maintain essential functions like breathing, circulation, and temperature regulation. For instance, the …

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Cashmere is considered unethical and problematic for animal welfare. Infographic.

Below the infographic there is some useful information 😊😉 on alternatives to buying cashmere which I know is very popular as people love its softness. Is there an alternative that is as soft as cashmere? See below…. Why cashmere production is a form of animal abuse. Infographic. by Michael Broad Yes! There are several …

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8 ways antihistamines can potentially cause tinnitus. Infographic.

This Infographic and the idea behind creating it comes from personal experience. I’m an old man and I suffer from mild tinnitus. I also have sinus problems and have had them for many years. Like many people my GP prescribed antihistamines to help “dry up” my sinuses. Antihistamines do this. They are convenient because …

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What happens physiologically when a cat is humanely euthanized? Infographic.

What exactly happens when a cat is humanely euthanised? What physiological processes take place? The infographic summarises the answers to these questions. When a domestic cat is humanely euthanized, the process is typically carried out using an intravenous (IV) injection of a euthanasia solution, most commonly a barbiturate such as pentobarbital. This drug rapidly …

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