Sometimes cats don’t look at you when spoken to. Infographic.

People who are unsure about domestic cats sometimes say that they are aloof and standoffish. This alleged aloofness can be seen, they’d say, when they don’t turn their heads towards you when you speak to them. This is not aloofness in the human meaning of the word. It is the behaviour of a different …

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AI is dismantling our world. Are we ready? Infographic.

Of course this site is fundamentally about cats but everything we do that affects us also affects our cat companions as we wholly create their world. That’s the overlap and it justifies me briefly touching on AI and how it is ‘dismantling our world’ according to Laurie Anderson, a US avant-garde artist and musician. …

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Infectious diseases in domestic cats. Overview. Infographic.

I think it is always useful for people who are new to cat caregiving to quickly check over what is meant by an infectious disease. When domestic cats get ill it is most likely to be because of a bacterial and/or viral infection. Perhaps the most common is the URI – upper respiratory infection …

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Sylvester the Cat summarised in an infographic.

This is a tight summary of the popular Sylvester the Cat cartoon presented in an infographic. The idea is that nowadays internet surfers want quick answers because of time pressures and shorter attention spans 😱💖. I hope readers find it useful. Expanded History of Sylvester the Cat 1. Creation (1945): Sylvester the Cat was …

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Domestic cats share some human behavioural traits. Infographic.

I believe that it is useful to remind ourselves that we share some behavioural traits with our cat companions as it may, in some households, help to remove a ‘them and us’ belief. Humans do like to think they are special and that they are not animals. Humans are human-animals and there are more …

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Breeders and trainers make banning dog breeds unsuccessful. Infographic.

It is dawning on the UK government and I suspect other legislators that banning dog breeds because they are dangerous is impractical and unsuccessful. Any dog breed can be dangerous and any dog breed can be a wonderful pet. It is all down to selective breeding and training. The sad thing is that any …

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Elon Musk and Donald Trump are like two tomcats about to fight over politics

Elon Musk and Donald Trump are like a couple of tomcats about to fight over a female in heat

Mike Murphy writing in The Sunday Times says that “Musk and Trump are tomcats trapped in a pillowcase, and it will not end well.” The problem is ego. Both have egos as big as the rockets designed by Musk’s Space X team to go to Mars. Musk promotes freedom of speech which ends up …

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