Reason why most domestic cats bury their faeces. Infographic.

Not all domestic cats hide their feces. Sometimes they don’t in the litter tray perhaps because through excellent cat caregiving they feel equal to their caregiver and non-submissive. If a cat feels secure, confident, and perhaps even equal to its human, it may not feel the need to display submissive behavior by covering its …

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Reason why pet and human parents should buy organic foods. INFOGRAPHIC.

As far as I am concerned, this is a very important topic. All parents of pets and kids should be fully aware of the hidden dangers of herbicide chemicals in the food that they eat and give their pets and kids to eat. There are so many in products and around the home. We …

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The ‘cat tap’ as a form of cat-to-human communication

The cat tap as a form of cat-to-human communication

The ‘cat tap’ is a form of cat-to-human communication which impresses me and my cat employs it. What I like about it is that the cat devised this all on their own. They were not taught this effective method of catching the attention of their caregiver and what’s doubly impressive is that the cat …

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Risks of cat and dog collars. Infographic.

Risks in using dog and cat collars

I was prompted to research this and create the infographic below by a tragic story in The Independent newspaper online today (6th November 2024). The infographic refers to it. The dog’s owner was watching Charlie play-fight with another dog. She spotted something was wrong and raced out to save him but she found it …

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Iranian man sentenced to prison for ‘threatening public health by keeping a cat’ and one other offence

Niloufar Ghazaleh and Mohammad Ali Moghimi from the Isfahan province and their cat

NEWS AND OPINION – Isfahan, Iran: The remarkable headline comes from my interpretation of a story from the website Iran Wire. It hasn’t been well reported but this story highlights the enormous clash of culture between Iran and the West. It concerns a couple Niloufar Ghazaleh and Mohammad Ali Moghimi, living in Isfahan. The …

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Get down to your cat’s height and see how they like it. Infographic and video.

Pilates and my cat at home

Here is an infographic explaining the benefits to the cat-human relationship of getting down to their height to remove the obstacle of being a giant from their perspective. I feel that it can be a minor barrier to the relationship at times. The point I am making in the video is, I think, pretty …

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Women belittled by American hospitals in misogynistic behaviour, a reflection of the crazy cat lady syndrome

Women less likely to get correct treatment in ER because they're viewed as hysterical and exaggerating

For me, this is a story which intersects the way women are treated by American and Israeli hospitals and in general and in particular with respect to the stereotypical cultural concept of the “crazy cat lady”. They are all designed to belittle women and they all stem from the male’s misogyny which in American …

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Domestic cat’s graceful athleticism partly due to fast-twitch muscles (infographic)

Infographic about the cat's fast-twitch muscles

In addition to the cat’s highly specialised skeleton their balletic athleticism is also due to their abundance of fast-twitch muscles. The cat has evolved over the eons to be balletically graceful while at the same time be a ferocious and highly effective hunter and escaper from predators. It’s fast-twitch muscles are integral to these …

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