Pakistan: I have another cat mouth to feed!

Our big TUMTUM (Bubby’s son, Bubby his mom was killed by a neighbour’s car), is now a day hungry and left alone by the neighbour who claimed to adopt him.

He is regularly visiting us at noon and morning (2 times a day) and sleeps a lot of time in the corner (he has ever liked from kittenhood) of our terrace. Here are some photos:

Pakistan cat rescue

Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

Pakistan cat feed by Ahsan ul Haq

Tumtum - Pakistan

Tumtum - Pakistan

Tumtum - Pakistan

53 thoughts on “Pakistan: I have another cat mouth to feed!”

  1. “He is filthy again at me”
    I’m sorry, Ahsan, not to understand that.
    Do you mean that your neighbor is mad?

    If so, too bad.
    I’m happy that TUMTUM is safe and with you.


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