Good Luck to Black Cats

Leanne thought up the good and apt title for this article to go with the poster of some of the Kays Hill black cats, past and present. See Kays Hill Gingers past and present. To new visitors, Kays Hill Animal Sanctuary is located in Bildershaw, County Durham DL14, in the north of England. It provides a shelter for many different animals including cats, of course.

Beautiful black cats
Beautiful black cats. Poster by Ruth aka Kattaddorra. Cats from Kays Hill Animal Sanctuary.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

I agree with her, black cats do need all the luck they can get because they are so often passed over by adopters in favour of other coloured cats.

This is sad because black cats are equally as beautiful, intelligent and loving as any other colour of cat.

Do you have a black cat or have you had one in the past or know one or even have photos of any black cats?

Let’s all celebrate beautiful black cats by sharing them here as Leanne has done.

55 thoughts on “Good Luck to Black Cats”

  1. So, next we have tortoiseshell cats, I think Americans call them calicos? Leanne has sent me the photos, hopefully the article and poster will be coming over the weekend, get your tortie/calico pics ready everyone.

  2. This is Narla who lives near us, she was in next door too for a while as she got her under false pretences, but when the cats were abandoned she went back to her previous home


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