Arrogant hunter addicted to killing feral cats

He is a self-declared redneck. I can barely bring myself to write about this person. This is because he is so different to me. He is different to millions of Americans as well. He confesses that he is addicted to hunting, fishing and trapping et cetera. Included in that desire to kill animals is his addiction to killing feral cats. He says that feral cats are a huge problem in America. He believes that the only way to solve this so-called problem is to kill them. He does not know how to distinguish between outdoor domestic cats and feral cats. He does not mind. He also believes that animal lovers are stupid liberals blinded by their own beliefs and conned by PETA.

Sam Wood Outdoors
Sam Wood Outdoors
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

He believes all the literature published online about cat predation on native species in America despite the fact that a lot of these studies and surveys are inaccurate and the numbers exaggerated. He wishes to believe that feral cats kill lots of birds and wild species and therefore he is blinded to the fact that the surveys may be inaccurate. He is blinded by his arrogance to the fact that some of the studies have been carried out by ornithologists. He is so certain in his thoughts and ideas that he feels he is able to lecture all animal lovers and advocates and to state that they are stupid.

Such is his certainty in his beliefs that he is completely closed to the possibility that his beliefs are incorrect or distorted. He’s been brought up in a way that is alien to very many of us. He has been indoctrinated to believe that animals are there to be hunted and trapped; to be used for the benefit of humans. He has no sensitivity towards the pain that he is causing animals and towards the cruelty of his actions.

Because of his intransigent, arrogant viewpoint, he receives a lot of criticism from decent minded animal advocates but he accepts this and does not listen because his ears are deaf to rational thought and argument.

Trapped cat
Trapped cat. The cat could be feral or stray. Sam Wood likes this (see his comment to the right of the photo).

He presents a picture on his Facebook webpage and on Instagram of a cat killed by some sort of grisly trap (see Instagram picture above) and said that the picture may cause offence to some people but that feral cats are a huge problem. He knows that there will be a backlash from people who he describes as “the Disney educated”. He believes that he is putting the truth out there and that he can educate animal advocates and people who love animals but he’s blind to the fact that he himself needs educating in the possibility that what he’s doing is cruel and an abuse of animals for his pleasure.

He proudly declares that back in the 1980s he was able to get five dollars for the pelt of a feral cat and that the fur was used to trim leather gloves. Some trappers targeted cats year-round and he said that this helped the environment tremendously and provided them with a bit of pocket money.

He also describes people who like animals as “bunny huggers” who want to protect cats. This man is irritated because he says that animal advocates refuse to educate themselves as to the true impact of what they’re doing and saying.

But this man massively underestimates the intelligence and thoughtfulness of animal advocates who know exactly what they’re doing and what they’re saying. He fails to understand that humans are human animals and it is our duty to live on this planet in harmony as best we can with other animals who have an equal right to be on the planet. The days of hunting for food and pleasure should be over. We don’t need to do it anymore.

As for feral cats, we, humans, put them there and therefore we have an obligation to treat them humanely and decently. If we wish to reduce their population size it needs to be done humanely and with sympathy to their plight. The only known way to do that currently is through trap-neuter-release.

He also calls feral cats “ditch tigers”, a highly derogatory term indicating his thoughts about feral cats.

He calls himself Sam Wood Outdoors on Facebook. His attitude towards animals tells me that he was raised by his parents to treat animals cruelly. I believe that it is he who needs educating and enlightening.

The depth of his feelings and the depth of my feelings towards animals indicates that we are miles apart. So far apart that we will never be able to agree on the relationship of humans to animals both domestic and wild. This is depressing because if humans are to improve their relationship with animals, which I believe is essential if we are to preserve wildlife on the planet, we need to alter the attitude of people like Sam Wood. I don’t see any chance of that, not within the next 50 to 100 years.

P.S. You can’t access his Facebook page from a search engine result. Update: Elisa has found his FB page.

P.P.S. I wish to thank with great appreciation all cat lovers and animal advocates (and any other decent person) who have made a comment in support of this article. Thank you very much. I also wish to add that I do sometimes allow cat haters and feral cat shooters to comment on this page in order to keep a balanced viewpoint. I do not believe in censoring people (provided they don’t insult others) but everything that they have said is misleading and incorrect and what they do is illegal even if the authorities might turn a blind eye to it.

Note: the article was first published on Feb 13th, 2017. I have decided to republish on August 2nd, 2022, because of the interest in this horrible man judging by the extensive number of comments. Please join in.

Below are some more articles on killing feral cats.

181 thoughts on “Arrogant hunter addicted to killing feral cats”


      • I need u to go to this website!!!! Maybe u heard of the case of Sage the cat in Utah!!!Ifu haven’t prepare yourself for the most horrific act of animal abuse.Go to every website pertaining to this tragedy. Just look up Sage the cat in Utah. I’ve been following this case from day 1.Oh they pretty much know who did this & have done NOTHING!!!!!😿😿😿

          • There has been an update!! Apparently a family member is the MAIN SUSPECT…. He is a supposed member of a well known street gang.China Rose & her boyfriend Alex moved out of Utah & now reside in Wyoming. He had been taunting the family about Sage!!! Apparently their very afraid.When ??? by the police he taunted them to!!!! He failed the polygraph test & said he wanted a lawyer.Apparently the police chief is receiving death threats!!! He also told the police there was nothing they could do about it!!!!(without solid prove)Pretty arogant. Thereis NO DOUBT HE’S THE 1.I’ve been rescuing the misfortunet for 45 years.I’ve seen some pretty horrific things.I live in Adams,Wisconsin.Were located in the middle of the state.There has to be LAWS PAST THAT THESE SICK BASTERDS GET A FELONY COVICTION.Also scew PLEA DEALS.That’s a frigging joke. They have to arrest this basterd!!!!!! NOW before he wants to inflict pain on another helpless animal & family 😞😞😞

            • Thanks Julie. I have written about this guy. The police have failed. The Justice for Sage supporters on Facebook, as you might know, have hired a private detective to find the criminal. He does not think the person is the one you refer to by the way.

              • Top o the morning to you Micheal!!! Thank-You so much for your reply’s!!! Hope you’re having a great day😄! I wonder…if this investigater is REALLY doing ALL he can!!! I know it takes alot of money & time,but it seems awfully fishy to me that they have it narrowed down to the exact same area that where Miss Rose lived?? Yes! It could’ve been a disgruntled neighbor but I DON’T believe that for 1 second! There was absolutely NO WAY Sage could walk with the injuries to his feet & every other part of his little body.Someone put that cat through that doggie DOOR! You have to ask youself how could someone be so bold as to possibility being seen???? How would they know where the dog door was? I know people who don’t have a doggie door on their door.They have them installed on an outside wall.Also what’s up with the testing on the collar.Results on that should have come back by now.There are far TOO many coincidences here,you must admit.My son-in-law works in-law-enforcement.He’s been doing some digging.As you know they have access to data that the general public doesn’t have.His instincts tell him that this person is the 1!! As he also has said with a reward that high,someone other than the family would know something & come forward.This family is afraid of this degenerate & the repercussions of what could happen if they do!!!As my son-in-law also has said it wasn’t long after that the police chief startef receiving death threats.Now of course that could be anyone doing that because police investigate any # of cases.But the caller or callers have have referd to the Sage case!!! To many coincidences if you ask me..Any how they need to catch WHO EVER DID THIS,throw them in jail,pass around he’s a child molester & an animal abuser & let the inmates HAVE AT HIM!!!Poetic Justice don’t you think???☺☺☺

                • Totally agree with all you say 🙂 It smells and the person who did this should be castrated and bled to death slowly 😉

                  • Thanks Micheal,Your a very passionate & very caring person,so am I.I just wish the so called law-maker’s would make animal abuse an automatic felony & if convicted they have to register through a data base,& never be allowed to be around them or own them!!!!! But realistically they can’t even get gun a comprehensive gun reform done.Hell when they only show up a few days a month & only care about their own agendas,that unfortunately won’t happen.THERE’S ALWAYS HOPE!!!! Have a GREAT DAY😺😺😺😺😺☺☺

  2. Omg!!!! Just read this crap. I’m from Canada. No way in hell a man like that would get away with that!!!!! We have stiff laws when it comes to animal abuse. If he did get away with it, like has down there. He’d better realize who his friends are!!!!! Pure evil!! The fact that he kills these cats in a way that they suffer,shows his true character. I have four cats. I love them to pieces. I don’t let them out very often cause I’m worried a nut job like him could be lurking around. Yes we too have freaks like him.

  3. This man/monster is a psychopath. You have to have something very wrong with you if you enjoy killing a innocent being, especially if you say you’re addicted to it. And everything he says about feral cats are untrue. He just wants to justify his sick behavior. Someone who enjoys something that is Morley wrong, will justify their actions by any means necessary. And it’s funny that a hunter says feral cats kill wildlife. Isn’t that what he is doing? I saw a picture of him, unfortunately with a bunch of dead sparrows all around him that he just shot. Sparrows are birds. He looked disgustingly happy like a serial killer would right after he/she just killed somebody. I can tell you who is the most dangerous animal on the planet is- HUMANS! Why don’t the hunters hunt themselves instead of innocent animals that have EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE, AND NOT FOR OUR PURPOSES!

    The notion that human life is sacred just because it is human life is medieval. ~Peter Singer

    You want some facts, read this article. And the citations are underneath it.

    Note from Admin. I have saved the text off website for SEO reasons. Please read it by clicking on this link.

  4. This is all bullshit!! There are thousands of homeless people and poor people here in the US that these animal rights people wouldn’ piss on if they were on fire! PEOPLE get off this shit and get on with trying to make this country a great place again instead of crying about a wild cat that will die of starvation sometime in its life!!

    • God, your comment is crass and ignorant. It really is. I think we will consign you to the incurable. The ones who will forever see the world in crude way. There is no reason why the government can’t help poor people and treat feral cats humanely at the same time. Your photo is disgusting.

  5. I am so sickened to see he is raising another HIM!! The world doesn’t need any more now or in the future! I just hope I hear soon that this piece of garbage does something wrong legally and gets caught.. I’d like nothing more than to see him punished or in jail where he is not able to hurt anything.

    • Me too Jessi and thanks so much for your passionate defence of animals. I love to see that. Animals need defending against people like Sam Wood.

    • I so agree with you Jessi! I would either like to see him in jail, or 6 feet under would be even better! When I think of all the wonderful people we have lost, & THIS pos is still walking this earth. What was God thinking?? He is the most disgusting subhuman I have ever heard about, & he has no heart, & I was HOPING no offspring…like you said! God Bless you for YOUR kind heart.


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