Watching hunting of any kind can psychologically scar children

Hunting deer

PETA has reminded me that the United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child has issued a landmark new directive (I believe this was last year, 2023) that children be protected from “exposure to violence, such as violence inflicted on animals.” It is a formal recognition that children exposed to the hunting of …

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Can African leaders PROVE that trophy hunting supports conservation?

Trophy hunting in Africa. Walter Palmer the Minnesota dentist used a bow and arrow to try and kill Cecil a well-known African lion

The leaders of the African nations: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe believe that they can prove that trophy hunting supports the conservation of their iconic species. But can they? My research indicates that they can’t. Note: there are vital negative aspects of trophy hunting as it is a form of artificial …

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Many Africans believe proposed British ban on importation of hunting trophies is racist and an example of neo-colonialism

41% of people across large swathes of the southern half of Africa believe that the proposed British ban on the importation of hunting trophies is racist

NEWS AND COMMENT: The UK Parliament is struggling to pass the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill which will ban the importation of hunting trophies from Africa and other countries. The unelected Lords have effectively blocked it. They’ve probably been lobbied by the rich hunters. There may be some trophy hunters among them. But a new aspect of …

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Nauseating picture of a cougar strapped to a Lamborghini

Rich sport hunter ties his shot cougar to the back of his Lambo

This is a personal tirade. Almost a rant. Sorry, but this man’s behavior makes me angry. He appears to have asked his wife (or a friend) to photograph him with his son as he holds the head of the cougar that he just shot dead on a hunting trip. A very pleasant (not) family …

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British celebrities challenge Rishi Sunak to push through legislation banning the importation of hunting trophies

Hunting Trophies Import Prohibition Bill has stalled in Parliament

NEWS AND OPINION: Rishi Sunak is reneging on his promise to ban the importation of sport hunting trophies, usually from Africa and often from South Africa where there’s lots of canned hunting. This is when the organisers put lions (and other animals) into a fenced compound and allow rich businessmen to shoot them dead …

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Dr. Turner Butts enjoyed shooting a leopard in Africa

American doctor enjoys shooting a leopard dead

Dr. Turner Butts, DPM, FACFAS, is a native of Houston, Texas, and a graduate of the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. He completed his three-year residency at Huston Podiatric Foundation where he was the Chief Resident in his third year. He joined the Foot and Ankle Centres in 2003. This center …

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West Texas Big Bobcat Contest is grotesque and cruel

West Texas bobcat killing contest

In Texas they have a bobcat shooting contest called the West Texas Big Bobcat Contest. And on Twitter X, Christina, an animal advocate, has posted a photograph (see below) of competitors bringing in their shot bobcats I guess for weighing to see whether they’ve won the competition. To me, it looks grotesque and callously …

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Are GPS tracking collars on cheetahs in India causing infections and deaths?

Cheetahs relocated from Africa to India may be self-harming due to GPS collars irritating them

NEWS AND VIEWS – KUNO NATIONAL PARK, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA: There is speculation that the GPS tracking collars placed around the necks of the relocated cheetahs from South Africa to India are killing some of them because the cheetahs are irritated by the collars in damp conditions and are scratching their necks causing a …

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