Uninterested sheriff investigates veterinarian’s bow and arrow shooting of cat. What chance justice?

The sheriff who is investigating this alleged crime gives the impression he is not interested in it. Surprised? You want justice? I don’t think you are going to get it.

This is a follow up to the veterinarian bow and arrow killing of a ginger tabby cat in Texas.

If everything that has been written is factually true, I thought it would be unlikely that she would be charged by the police with animal cruelty and prosecuted through the criminal courts. That assessment was based on past experience of the attitude of police to animal crime. And it doesn’t just apply to America. It could almost be anywhere.

From Houston, which is near the scene of the alleged crime, Sheriff Jack Brandes said he couldn’t arrest the veterinarian unless an investigation concluded that the photo of the dead cat is genuine (see below). It certainly looks genuine to me and tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of social and news media surfers. It looks true partly because it just looks genuine and partly because of what the veterinarian, Kristen Lindsey, states in comments about the photo. She is bragging about killing the cat and her comments appear to be genuine. Plus there is dialogue between her and her friends on social media. Could the whole thing be fake? Highly unlikely.

Cat shot by veterinarian Texas
Posted on social media. Is this a fake? I don’t think so.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

Two deputies have been assigned to the case to investigate whether the photo is genuine! They’ll be checking if it has been Photoshopped – altered in a photo-editor.

A lot of concerned people have called the police from all over America. This has become a national story and I think I know why: it goes to the heart of peoples’ relationship with outdoor cats and it shocking for the fact that a veterinarian is the alleged cat-killing-criminal. And she killed the cat because she believed him to be feral.

Kristen Lindsey does not want to talk to the police at the moment the sheriff said. She’ll come to the police station next week with her lawyer and the sheriff seems to have accepted that. Why can’t be insist she comes in earlier? Or arrest her. The sheriff said:

“…Hopefully this girl comes in. She may. She may not.”

He’s not bothered if she comes in or not. And why is he calling her a ‘girl’. That is condescending and sexist I think. He isn’t interested.

Brandes said the wheels of justice turn slowly. Agreed. They want to be sure before making an arrest. He’s not kicking the whole thing into the long grass is he? He knows that people will forget this. Social media is about the moment. Something else will come along and this story will be history, just another cat killing, nothing to worry about.

Update: Lindsey’s veterinary college decry her actions in a statement:

The Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State states:

“At Colorado State, we join the veterinary clinic that earlier employed the individual, the Texas Veterinary Medical Association, and countless others who strongly decry the grotesque actions and comments displayed in that post…..(this is a short extract). She whole letter here.

Source: TheBlaze.com.

15 thoughts on “Uninterested sheriff investigates veterinarian’s bow and arrow shooting of cat. What chance justice?”

  1. Everyone in the world has learned to give you sociopathic cat-lunatics nothing but lip-service. You’re just catching onto that? 🙂

  2. From Houston, which is near the scene of the alleged crime, Sheriff Jack Brandes said he couldn’t arrest the veterinarian unless an investigation concluded that the photo of the dead cat is genuine. I read a statement on youtube that it may be a fake.
    I can’t see a cord around the cats neck? Just my viewpoint taken from the photo.
    Of course I could be mistaken.

  3. If it is photoshopped the joke is on her because she did lose her job and she did pretty much destroy any chance she has of getting work as a vet any time soon. Whether other vets think like her or not, very few practices will take the chance of hiring someone who will immediately create a public relations nightmare.

    • Susan, I have just searched hard for information about the photo being Photoshopped and nothing came up. I don’t think it is Photoshopped although it may be claimed that it is as a defence to being charged.

  4. OK-so Ladies & Gents. I just read a statement this photo could be photoshopped? If so I feel like an idiot and the jokes on us? just say’in !!

    On the other hand, if this is real then it is still despicable.

  5. It’s sickening to think that Lindsey may get away with this crime. One of the comment’s on Tiger’s FB page was from a vet’s wife and her husband alleges the cat in the photo isn’t even completely dead because the front legs are raised and not limp 🙁 To me that makes this photo all the more disgusting and sadistic.

    I’d like to hope that even if she escapes punishment by the authorities, that the public will not be so forgiving. I can’t imagine any pet owner (especially cats) wanting that woman anywhere near their animals. I wish her nothing but misfortune and misery for the rest of her days.

  6. I think the biggest justice will be Kristen Lindsey will be lucky to get a job-any job-once this blows over. And on the blog site Kristen has people are now calling for her mother to be fired from her government job for being the one to take the photo. As far as the courts go, unfortunately there will be little if any justice.

      • They may forget, but it’s a common practice in the U.S. for an employer to Google an applicants name to see what pops up. An employee can find out lots of behavioral information on a prospective new hire such as weekend partying habits, etc. So she’ll likely get caught up with that way as well.

        • Yes, good point again. At the end of the day though how many vets think like Lindsey? I doubt whether her mentality is that different to the majority of vets

          • I’m in a small town and the women vets I’ve met in my area have been great. I think her bragging and saying she was beyond reproach because she was “awesome” really hit a nerve. I went back in and pulled an old Examiner article where two men were arrested over the cat hunting photo. You remember that one, where the hunters were holding the cats? Those two were charged with animal cruelty over a Facebook photo. Yet this sheriff says he can’t arrest Lindsey because the photo can’t be proven. That’s bullshit. I can drag up many cases of Facebook photos leading to arrests.


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