Doctor says feeding dry cat food is abuse and raw beef recently thawed is great. Vets would disagree.

Doctor says feeding dry cat food is abuse and raw beef recently thawed is great. Vets would disagree.

This is a video on YouTube by a human doctor talking about the domestic cat diet, specifically, dry cat food and a raw meat diet. He comments about these aspects of the feline diet and decides that dry cat food is “unintentional cat abuse”. He also decides that allowing raw chopped beef to thaw …

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The problem with community cats is that in general they don’t receive veterinary treatment

Arturito, a stray cat from outside the cemetery, visits daily to benefit from Pisani’s feedings [Maria Amasanti/Al Jazeera]

All over the world there are community cats. Often the general feeling is that they live reasonable lives. These are cats that don’t have owners, a specific caregiver. They are rather loosely cared for by people living in the community; shop owners, perhaps workers and passers-by and residents. They might be attached to a …

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First strike at a UK private veterinary practice

1% pay rise is a pay cut for vet workers at Valley Vets in south Wales owned by VetPartners

NEWS AND VIEWS: This is the first strike that has ever occurred according to the union ‘Unite’ at a UK private veterinary practice and it is a consequence, allegedly, of greed by the private equity-owned operator: VetPartners, which owns the vet practice called Valley Vets in south Wales. This is an extension of a …

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Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners implied that Kristen Lindsey was indoctrinated into shooting feral cats

Lindsey was indoctrinated into believing that shooting feral cats was acceptable

I was provoked into briefly revisiting the notorious Kristen Lindsey case which is still pretty fresh in my mind even though it was closed on October 20th 2016 in a final court order against her which suspended her practicing certificate for five years with four years on probation in I believe an amendment to …

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5 tips to transition a cat from dry to wet food – vet approved!

Transition from dry to wet cat food

Dry cat foods can be addictive to domestic cats. The manufacturers are very clever in that way. They know how to make this very artificial food highly palatable by spraying it with a nice smelling fatty solution (see below). The core material is entirely tasteless; like cardboard. Cats like fatty foods which by the …

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Dry food prescription diets for cat UTIs are contradictory – vet approved!

Dr Drew speaks openly and honestly about vets' failings in the US and the contradictory nature of dry cat food prescription diets for UTIs.

Well, I have just bumped into an excellent American veterinarian, Dr. Drew, on social media, who has a TikTok label of “The Jungle Vet”. A good one because he does a lot of wild animal treatments. And what he says chimes completely with what I have felt for many years; in fact, for as …

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Non-insured cats live longer than insured cats (study)

Young cat at vet clinic. Older cats are less likely to be covered by pet health insurance policies as they are cancelled.

The researchers of a study on the longevity and mortality of domestic cats published in 2014 were somewhat puzzled it seems about the finding that non-insured cats had lifespans that were 1.1 years longer than insured cats. The result is counterintuitive. Most people would think that pet health insurance increases lifespan as the veterinary …

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