Theory as to why some cats might hate women. Infographic.

This is an idea that makes some sense but which is rarely if ever discussed online. Cats have good memories and it is argued that they can link bad experiences to one or other of the human genders. Perhaps the word ‘hate’ is too strong. Perhaps some cats might become ‘wary’ of women where …

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9 uses of the domestic cat’s claws. Infographic.

The purpose of this infographic is to ensure that all cat caregivers are fully au fait with the importance of claws to the domestic cat. Sometimes I think millions of cat owners (hardly caregivers) in the United States forget these nine aspects of feline behavior which are integral to their existence when they declaw …

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A failure of some pet owners to recognise the intrinsic value and sentience of their companion animals

Vet and cat

My title to this article stems from a story in The Telegraph newspaper of yesterday which reports on a male veterinarian who ended his life because, in part, he was so distressed about a minority of relatively wealthy owners requesting that he euthanize their companion animals rather than treat them because the treatment would …

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Some suggestions on why cat and dog veterinary visits are higher during a full moon

Full moon dangers for cats?

A study from Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences found that during a full moon there is a slight increase in veterinary visits for cats and dogs which on the face might be considered a little puzzling but I have provided some suggestions. These were emergency veterinary visits and the …

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Assisted dying of people and pets (slippery slope)

Tom Rhind-Tutt

This is about the euthanasia of companion animals versus assisted dying of people and that all important slippery slope. There’s an interesting article online today (The Telegraph) about an excellent veterinarian who loved his work (and still does to a certain extent) who it appears to me became somewhat disillusioned because he was asked …

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Doctor says feeding dry cat food is abuse and raw beef recently thawed is great. Vets would disagree.

Doctor says feeding dry cat food is abuse and raw beef recently thawed is great. Vets would disagree.

This is a video on YouTube by a human doctor talking about the domestic cat diet, specifically, dry cat food and a raw meat diet. He comments about these aspects of the feline diet and decides that dry cat food is “unintentional cat abuse”. He also decides that allowing raw chopped beef to thaw …

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The problem with community cats is that in general they don’t receive veterinary treatment

Arturito, a stray cat from outside the cemetery, visits daily to benefit from Pisani’s feedings [Maria Amasanti/Al Jazeera]

All over the world there are community cats. Often the general feeling is that they live reasonable lives. These are cats that don’t have owners, a specific caregiver. They are rather loosely cared for by people living in the community; shop owners, perhaps workers and passers-by and residents. They might be attached to a …

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First strike at a UK private veterinary practice

1% pay rise is a pay cut for vet workers at Valley Vets in south Wales owned by VetPartners

NEWS AND VIEWS: This is the first strike that has ever occurred according to the union ‘Unite’ at a UK private veterinary practice and it is a consequence, allegedly, of greed by the private equity-owned operator: VetPartners, which owns the vet practice called Valley Vets in south Wales. This is an extension of a …

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