Pointed and mitted American Curl kitten

Pointed and mitted American Curl kitten

A cute pointed and mitted (white feet) American Curl kitten standing on a leather sofa! The cat lives in Asia Judging by the name of the photographer and who I presume is the owner.


The American Curl, maybe a long-haired or a shorthaired cat but either way, their ears curl backwards.

This is an intermediate cat with no extremes except, of course, for the ears.

Pointed American Curls are permissible as coats in all categories, all divisions and all colours are permissible.

I will presume that the mitted feet are also permissible per the breed standard. We don’t know the background of this cat and how purebred he or she is.

Sometimes cats in countries where the cat fancy is not well developed, the so-called purebred cats are not necessarily purebred or they are not bred to type i.e. pursuant to the breed standard.

Nonetheless, this looks like a very cute cat. Although in a previous comment, I have decided that I don’t see any reason for its existence. I don’t think ears which curl backwards look attractive and they certainly do not improve the hearing of the cat.

That of course is a personal viewpoint, and I fully accept the views of others. Further, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is entirely subjective. This is quite a popular cat and a well est. breed.

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