Gay man’s boyfriend cares more for his cats than him

Can the spouse/partner who doesn’t particularly like cats accept the partner who loves cats and loves spending time with them?

Although this agony aunt story is about cats and an ailurophile (cat lover) who loves his cats it is actually about any relationship be it gay or heterosexual. It doesn’t matter. It’s about accepting the other person for what they are in their totality and if you can’t then the relationship won’t work and …

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How do you become a cat person?

How do you become a ‘cat person'.

To put the question another way: “How does one become a cat lover”. I’ll try and answer the question. The thoughts of others are always welcome. Nature/Nuture Fundamentally, you become a cat person partly because you inherited a love of cats or probably a love of animals generally and partly because of your life …

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Why do people like cats?


This is a tricky question to answer precisely but I’ll have a go. Please share your views and comments. The love of cats is called ailurophilia. And a person who loves cats is called an ailurophile. Although we are talking here about people who like cats. Many famous people have liked cats. I can …

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Can a person who doesn’t like cats ever love one? How can they learn to love cats?

Learning to like cats when you are a confirmed dog lover

The answer to the first question in the title (plucked from social media) must be an unequivocal, yes. Over the years that I have been managing this website, I have bumped into many instances of “dog people” and people who frankly disliked cats, falling in love with a cat that they ultimately adopted perhaps …

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