Early easy-to-read signs that your cat companion is ill. Infographic.

A compact list in a 3-page infographic of early, easy-to-read signs that your cat is ill. I hope it is useful to some. To be honest, the observant and organised cat caregiver will quickly have a hunch that ‘something is wrong’ with their cat because illness brings behavioural changes which are noticeable. However, in …

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10 most common domestic cat diseases in descending order of prevalence (2025). Infographic.

This list will naturally change somewhat over the years as veterinary medicine becomes more sophisticated and better proactive steps are taken to improve feline health. From the sources listed, these are the ten most prevalent pet feline diseases in the West – developed countries. There will be differences between countries. Generally, when researching this …

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What happens physiologically when a cat is humanely euthanized? Infographic.

What exactly happens when a cat is humanely euthanised? What physiological processes take place? The infographic summarises the answers to these questions. When a domestic cat is humanely euthanized, the process is typically carried out using an intravenous (IV) injection of a euthanasia solution, most commonly a barbiturate such as pentobarbital. This drug rapidly …

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13 cat parasites listed in descending order of prevalence. Infographic.

Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) are the most prevalent parasite in domestic cats due to a combination of biological resilience, environmental factors, and their ability to spread easily. Here’s why they top the list: 1. High Reproductive Rate 2. Hardy and Adaptive Lifecycle 3. Multiple Modes of Transmission 4. Year-Round Survival 5. Widespread Presence of Intermediate …

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Minimizing cat gum disease with diet and bones. Infographic.

Dr Bruce Fogle DVM is well regarded as a vet and writer. In some ways he states the obvious when he recommends that domestic cats be fed chicken with the bones in place and to train cats to accept this from an early age. This is because a diet with bones is entirely natural. …

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Infectious diseases in domestic cats. Overview. Infographic.

I think it is always useful for people who are new to cat caregiving to quickly check over what is meant by an infectious disease. When domestic cats get ill it is most likely to be because of a bacterial and/or viral infection. Perhaps the most common is the URI – upper respiratory infection …

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Pet de-wormer can treat cancer in humans? Infographic.

Some influencers on social media websites like TikTok have claimed that the pet de-wormer fenbendazole which can be bought on Amazon has cured their cancer. It seems magical. I am neither a medical doctor nor a veterinarian. However, research immediately points to this form of self-treatment as high-risk as fenbendazole has not, as at …

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