Cat returned to his owner four days after his cremation. There are 3 aspects to this story.

Ted, a cat that was believed to have drowned in a pond but did not

The amusing cat news today, which has been well covered by the media online, is that a black-and-white cat called Ted, returned to his owners four days after his cremation 💖. Ted’s caregiver is Nicci Knight. She was on holiday in Turkey when a neighbour told her that Ted had been found dead in …

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You can’t put a cat flap in the bomb-proof front door of the flat above number 11 Downing Street

It’s not been fully described in the newspapers but I have made the presumption that Sir Keir Starmer’s family live in the flat above number 11 Downing Street which is larger than the flat above 10 Downing Street. Although the flat above number 11 Downing Street is meant to be occupied by the Chancellor. …

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It’s not just childless cat ladies as JD Vance once described childless people as sociopathic

Trump and Vance are two peas in a misogynistic pod

It’s not just “Childless cat ladies”, JD Vance once described childless people as sociopathic. Why have I written this post? To defend women who generally love cats more than men. Women have provided so much protection for cats. I don’t want to see then attacked. Although as one would expect there are some bad …

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Turkey’s stray dogs face life or death in shelters under controversial new laws

NEWS AND OPINION: in my view, Turkey has, in general, a good relationship with domestic animals thanks to the fact that the large majority are Muslims and the Muslim faith by and large is sensitive to animal welfare but the trouble is that dogs are perceived by this faith nowadays as being dirty and …

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Peter III, Downing St. cat appointed in 1947, had to catch his own dinner

Peter III

Peter III, also known as the ‘third Peter’, holds the record as the longest-serving chief mouser at Downing Street. He served for an impressive 17 years under five different prime ministers: Clement Attlee, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, Harold Macmillan, and Alec Douglas-Home. Peter III became the successor to Peter II, who tragically died after …

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After cat bite, woman sues sister for $300,000

Cat bite

NEWS AND COMMENT: I feel that I need to comment on this story because immediately, in the first few paragraphs, I can see a problem with it. The report comes from the Independent newspaper. It tells us that a woman in Michigan, USA is suing her sister because her sister’s cat bit her on …

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Ukrainians march with pets to freedom via only means of escape

Ukrainian woman refugee fleeing Ukraine on this occasion into Poland with her two cats and dog

Currently, the only means of escape for Ukrainians trapped in the Russian-controlled east and south of Ukraine is through a northern crossing on the Ukraine-Russian border called the Kolotilovka Pokrovka checkpoint. It’s near the town of Sumy. This means that they have to travel huge distances from the south of Ukraine in Russian-controlled territory …

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