Internet hackers use Bengal cats to steal your financial details

The six-word Google search that leaves you open to hackers

AVOID websites answering the question “Are Bengal cats legal in Australia?” If you search for “Are Bengal cats legal in Australia?” you may find yourself clicking on Google search result which takes you to a website which has been created by malware hackers. The site that you visit may download malware (poisonous software) to …

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Ohio cat cruelty law covers ALL cats from domestic to feral. Same for dogs.

Ohio's law prohibiting serious physical harm to companion animals extends to ALL dogs and cats. - Ohio Supreme Court.

Thanks in part to a submission by Alley Cat Allies as an interested third party but not directly involved in the case in question (State v. Kyles), the Ohio Supreme Court very recently clarified the law on cruelty to cats and indeed other companion animals by widening the definition of ‘companion animal’ as stated …

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Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that dog walkers take out?

Should there be restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together?

Following the tragic death of Natasha Johnston, 28, from Croydon, south London, after being attacked by the dogs that she was walking as a professional dog walker, a coroner has written to the Home Secretary in the UK to recommend restrictions on the number of dogs that can be walked together. Note: some UK …

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Your employer decides if you can take an emotional support dog to work (UK)

Deborah Cullingford and Bella her emotional support dog

UK: Emotional support dogs and/or therapy dogs (or cats) are not protected in law in the UK and therefore there is no obligation for an employer to allow them in the workplace with their owner. It’s down to each employer (organisation) to decide if an employee can take an emotional support or therapy dog …

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Ready to de-clutter your wardrobe? Ready to get rid of your cat? Use Vinted!

Zara McDermott distraught at the advert on Vinted selling a tortie cat for 130 pounds

NEWS AND OPINION: Vinted is an app-based website through which you can de-clutter your wardrobe and get rid of those clothes you no longer want. In the modern world, clothes have quite a short lifespan. In the old days, days gone by, we kept clothes until they wore out and then we repaired them! …

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You can’t put a cat flap in the bomb-proof front door of the flat above number 11 Downing Street

It’s not been fully described in the newspapers but I have made the presumption that Sir Keir Starmer’s family live in the flat above number 11 Downing Street which is larger than the flat above 10 Downing Street. Although the flat above number 11 Downing Street is meant to be occupied by the Chancellor. …

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